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NUS Admin Manager Salary Range

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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2014, 05:17 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Salary for Management Executive Officer

Does anyone know how much a Management Executive Officer at NUS gets paid?
Please help!!

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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 31-03-2014, 12:12 PM
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>2.5k i presume

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  #53 (permalink)  
Old 01-04-2014, 08:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Does anyone know how much a Management Executive Officer at NUS gets paid?
Please help!!
NUS pays little when you compare to other jobs for graduates outside. I've last heard that starting pay for graduates is around 2.8k, and that the increment and bonus is not alot. Workload is relatively low, ensuring a good work-life balance. Career advancement is next to none after you've reached a certain ceiling (most management positions are left for profs).

As a fresh grad, I would advise you not to join NUS, but to join elsewhere to strengthen your CV and to gain more experience. Having said that, do note that different faculty pays their staff differently; biz faculty tends to be the most generous.

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  #54 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2014, 08:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I left NUS for private sector many years ago. Precisely because of below market pay. NUS admin is a superbly least stress, work-life balance, postive, and low expense working environment. But for males who needs to have more ambition and money in the wallet for family expenses, one can't make this a career.

I provide some numbers. As some bros have mentioned, NUS admin generally no 13mth (cos already incorporated in pay package), mid year bonus is also unheard of, and performance bonus is 1 -2 months lower than civil service. For a Grade 5 officer (Grade 1 being director of large dept and 6 being a fresh degree grad), you may be paid average of ($60k pa). The annual increment is miserable. After 5 years, you may be promoted to entry Grade 4 but your annual increment is less than $20k, bearing in mind you may be stuck in Grade 4 for around 10 years.

In the civil service (Grade 5 is equivalent to MX12), your pay package is at least $70k pa. If you get promoted to MX11 in 5 years, you will be near $100k pa. There is a good fighting chance of promotion to MX10 (SAD or jnr DD title) in subsequent 10 years where pa can be $150k. This is because the the max range for upper MX10 is $10,400.

Do your math and it's clear that on average the civil service pays better.

The exception is of course if you are a senior administration in NUS. i.e. At least a Grade 3 (DD or senior assoc dir). p.a. is around 120-150k. Still not comparable to civil service but work load and stress is much lesser than equivalent position in civil service. But bear in mind that half of Grade 1-2 positions are held by academics, former academics or those with PhD. This can be verified in NUS staff contact list.

As other bros have mentioned, there is lots of title inflation going on in NUS. Partly due to splintering of a big dept/office into 2, and partly due to pressure of keeping pace with private sector norm (whoever came up with this ******** reason). A 'senior manager' in NUS may look as young as a fresh grad and paid like one. And almost all 'senior managers' sardine up buses 95 or 96 to-fro from work everyday.

1.You said that the maximum monthly basic salary is $10,400 FOR CIVIL SERVANTS who are university graduates, that is provided they reach the rank of MX10 and that is the highest position and salary range they can max out with their best abilities in government service. But my question is how old will they be when they break into MX10 arena? I was on another forum thread and they mentioned around 50 years old.

2.Secondly, will the vast majority of second-upper class or first class honours graduates from NUS,NTU,SMU who join the civil service as the largest employer in singapore, get promoted and retire at MX9-director level? what are their chances if they are a consistently hardworking, high performing worker in a stat board, ministry or agency? I heard that $16,540 IS THE HIGHEST basic salary per month, but maybe the bonuses can be up to 6 months a year for every single year?

3.Is $150,000 per annum pay for an senior MX10 employee inclusive of bonuses or not? How old will this guy be when he reaches 150k? Is he considered a senior manager at MX10?

Thank you for your time and effort
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2015, 11:19 AM
Posts: n/a

Sorry to dig out this old thread, but times have changed. So was wondering if the salary package for NUS non-academic staff has changed? Is there 13th month, and what's the avg PB and salary increment like?

Also I've seen new title like Program Manager. Is this the same as Manager, or more towards Senior Manager? Anyone can clarify?

Thanks in advance.
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2015, 01:51 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Sorry to dig out this old thread, but times have changed. So was wondering if the salary package for NUS non-academic staff has changed? Is there 13th month, and what's the avg PB and salary increment like?

Also I've seen new title like Program Manager. Is this the same as Manager, or more towards Senior Manager? Anyone can clarify?

Thanks in advance.
It's only 10+ months since the last post, what do you mean by times have changed? Do you expect NUS to suddenly pay everyone very differently compared to 10 months ago?
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2015, 02:13 PM
Posts: n/a

I left NUS for private sector many years ago. Precisely because of below market pay. NUS admin is a superbly least stress, work-life balance, postive, and low expense working environment. But for males who needs to have more ambition and money in the wallet for family expenses, one can't make this a career.

I provide some numbers. As some bros have mentioned, NUS admin generally no 13mth (cos already incorporated in pay package), mid year bonus is also unheard of, and performance bonus is 1 -2 months lower than civil service. For a Grade 5 officer (Grade 1 being director of large dept and 6 being a fresh degree grad), you may be paid average of ($60k pa). The annual increment is miserable. After 5 years, you may be promoted to entry Grade 4 but your annual increment is less than $20k, bearing in mind you may be stuck in Grade 4 for around 10 years.

In the civil service (Grade 5 is equivalent to MX12), your pay package is at least $70k pa. If you get promoted to MX11 in 5 years, you will be near $100k pa. There is a good fighting chance of promotion to MX10 (SAD or jnr DD title) in subsequent 10 years where pa can be $150k. This is because the the max range for upper MX10 is $10,400.

Do your math and it's clear that on average the civil service pays better.

The exception is of course if you are a senior administration in NUS. i.e. At least a Grade 3 (DD or senior assoc dir). p.a. is around 120-150k. Still not comparable to civil service but work load and stress is much lesser than equivalent position in civil service. But bear in mind that half of Grade 1-2 positions are held by academics, former academics or those with PhD. This can be verified in NUS staff contact list.

As other bros have mentioned, there is lots of title inflation going on in NUS. Partly due to splintering of a big dept/office into 2, and partly due to pressure of keeping pace with private sector norm (whoever came up with this ******** reason). A 'senior manager' in NUS may look as young as a fresh grad and paid like one. And almost all 'senior managers' sardine up buses 95 or 96 to-fro from work everyday.
Well I'm looking at this post which was made in 2012. Been about 3 years, so my guess is things may have changed? Also, NTU made some changes in the recent years.

For those who know, appreciate your inputs.

Thank you.
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2015, 03:11 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Well I'm looking at this post which was made in 2012. Been about 3 years, so my guess is things may have changed? Also, NTU made some changes in the recent years.

For those who know, appreciate your inputs.

Thank you.
A bit of cosmetic changes here & there, but by & large this is a slow pace dead end place. Go there if you want to take it easy retire & rot there, otherwise I never advise young chaps below 40 to go there.

As for difference between the different kinds of managers, I wouldn't read too much into it. Job titles there are heavily inflated anyway and most of the so called managers are senior execs/associate in pay & responsibility anyway.
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old 26-04-2016, 02:10 AM
Posts: n/a

Hi. Anyone knows how much a finance lead and self audit manager is paid? Thanks.
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old 26-04-2016, 02:20 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hi. Anyone knows how much a finance lead and self audit manager is paid? Thanks.
if got big4 exp could be offered 8-10k
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