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How much are you earning per annum?

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  #10631 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2016, 08:24 PM
Posts: n/a

To build a fortune worth $50m would be impossible for a salaried worker. You need to be a successful entrepreneur, a person with the ability, confidence and courage to strike out on your own. If you're not so smart and a coward, who is just happy to be ordered around and earning meagre salaries of only $350k pa (this is small change compared to what a good entrepreneur can earn), then forget about owning a GCB. Just stay in your mass market condo, drive cheap cars (costing less than $500k) and lead ordinary middle class lives. Most people here are just salaried workers with no courage to be business owners.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Totally agree. We must not be easily satisfied. We must work harder and longer to achieve more.

Don't be like the guy who is satisfied with living in a cheap condo, costing less than $2m.

We should all work harder and longer to aspire to own a Good Class Bungalow (costing $20m at least) plus an investment portfolio worth $30m. Then we can retire. $50m should be enough for us to retire well, travelling first class, holidaying all over the world and eating at high class restaurants.

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  #10632 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2016, 10:45 PM
Posts: n/a

If you are a successful businessman, be thankful for your good fortune and be kind to your employees. Because you never know when your business will go bust and you may be working for your employees or worse begging for money from them. If you want, you can google those past businessmen who became bankrupts after tasting successes.

There is nothing wrong being employees as long as you are doing honest work. I have friends who owned small businesses that made less money than us professionals. Employees go home each day after work and relax. Business owners worry throughout the day and night about their business sustenance, their employees salaries, their loans etc.... Here it is obvious who is leading a better life. Why buy a GCB when you are stressed out everyday, not able to enjoy it when an employee can enjoy his condo facilities and holidays abroad yearly?

Believe me, $350k pa is quite adequate for a very comfortable and happy life. If your spouse is working and earning around $150k pa and you are also getting passive income of $150k pa (which is achievable for a working employee couple in their 50s), you are looking at a total household income of $$650k pa. And if this employee couple stays in a condo, their annual expense is probably below $120k pa, which means a savings of $530k pa. I think many people will be satisfied with this. I know I am.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
To build a fortune worth $50m would be impossible for a salaried worker. You need to be a successful entrepreneur, a person with the ability, confidence and courage to strike out on your own. If you're not so smart and a coward, who is just happy to be ordered around and earning meagre salaries of only $350k pa (this is small change compared to what a good entrepreneur can earn), then forget about owning a GCB. Just stay in your mass market condo, drive cheap cars (costing less than $500k) and lead ordinary middle class lives. Most people here are just salaried workers with no courage to be business owners.

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  #10633 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2016, 10:49 AM
Posts: n/a


GCB should be $40M.

Investment portfolio $80M.

How can you be satisfied for $50M to stay in the lower end rundown GCB.

Do you know how much the maintenance for GCB?

Yes, work harder and achieve more.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Totally agree. We must not be easily satisfied. We must work harder and longer to achieve more.

Don't be like the guy who is satisfied with living in a cheap condo, costing less than $2m.

We should all work harder and longer to aspire to own a Good Class Bungalow (costing $20m at least) plus an investment portfolio worth $30m. Then we can retire. $50m should be enough for us to retire well, travelling first class, holidaying all over the world and eating at high class restaurants.

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  #10634 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2016, 04:42 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
If you are a successful businessman, be thankful for your good fortune and be kind to your employees. Because you never know when your business will go bust and you may be working for your employees or worse begging for money from them. If you want, you can google those past businessmen who became bankrupts after tasting successes.

There is nothing wrong being employees as long as you are doing honest work. I have friends who owned small businesses that made less money than us professionals. Employees go home each day after work and relax. Business owners worry throughout the day and night about their business sustenance, their employees salaries, their loans etc.... Here it is obvious who is leading a better life. Why buy a GCB when you are stressed out everyday, not able to enjoy it when an employee can enjoy his condo facilities and holidays abroad yearly?

Believe me, $350k pa is quite adequate for a very comfortable and happy life. If your spouse is working and earning around $150k pa and you are also getting passive income of $150k pa (which is achievable for a working employee couple in their 50s), you are looking at a total household income of $$650k pa. And if this employee couple stays in a condo, their annual expense is probably below $120k pa, which means a savings of $530k pa. I think many people will be satisfied with this. I know I am.

Another show off..... look at the last sentence....
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  #10635 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2016, 01:48 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Another show off..... look at the last sentence....
actually nothing to show off. saving $530k pa is no big deal. typical salaried worker. successful entrepreneurs can save millions every year.
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  #10636 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2016, 07:11 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
actually nothing to show off. saving $530k pa is no big deal. typical salaried worker. successful entrepreneurs can save millions every year.
My friend saved 7.2 million sing dollars last year
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  #10637 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2016, 08:06 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
My friend saved 7.2 million sing dollars last year
Not surprising. Common among the good entrepreneurs. These are the people who buys up all the GCBs. Those who work for these entrepreneurs earn a small amount of $350k pa. These workers will own just condos or the most cheap landed homes in cheap districts.
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  #10638 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2016, 08:33 AM
Posts: n/a

Sounds so hollow right? Why use your "friend"? Are you working for him? Is he willing to pay you good salary?

For that matter why not say Donald Trump or Warren Buffet earn such and such? At the end of the day, it is what you earn. And not what your friend earn. This is what the forum is about.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
My friend saved 7.2 million sing dollars last year
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  #10639 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2016, 09:25 AM
Posts: n/a

Same goes to you. Are you currently a GCB owner? If not, then why talk so much for them? How much did they pay you to talk for them?

By the way, there is nothing wrong staying in a HDB flat. People staying in a HDB flat can be as happy (probably happier) than someone who stays in a GCB. Sometimes the HDB dwellers may decide to upgrade to condos because they have that extra money and condos may be a good investment plus good home choice. Condos give them the convenience of having facilities at their doorstep which is currently lacking in HDB estates.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Not surprising. Common among the good entrepreneurs. These are the people who buys up all the GCBs. Those who work for these entrepreneurs earn a small amount of $350k pa. These workers will own just condos or the most cheap landed homes in cheap districts.

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  #10640 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2016, 09:33 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Bicello POTENZA

What is our most valuable asset?

It is our TIME. Our time on this temporary world is limited. If you die at age 100, then you have 36,500 days on this earth. If you die at 60, you will then have 21,900 days. If you die at 40, then your days will only be 14,600. But do we know when we will die? The answer is NO. We can die ANY TIME.

Given this reality, ask yourself HONESTLY. Do you know where you will be after you die? What is the true purpose of your life? Go and search for the REAL TRUTH. Be sincere in your heart in searching for the TRUTH.

While you are on this earth, what do you really want to achieve? Is your life all about earning and accumulating wealth as much as you can? Is that what life is all about?

A full life is not all about yourself and your family. Life is about caring for others, making the world a better place. It is about compassion and gratitude.

Do you want to work until you are 70 years old and then die at 75? Are you working so hard all your life only to enjoy 5 years of retirement? What if you die at 60? No retirement at all. All your millions will just go to your children who will happily enjoy your millions. They can retire immediately upon your demise.

The older we get, the more valuable our time is. What is the value of your time? Those who value their free time a lot will retire when they reach financial independence. They are then free to do what they like. They can travel the world, help the poor and needy, write a book, learn to cook, exercise more, read more books, reflect upon their existence in this world, pursue new hobbies, search for the REAL TRUTH, etc.

Think. Don't regret at your death bed.
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