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  #1191 (permalink)  
Old 22-09-2018, 03:23 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Generally you'd need to be identified as having high potential - expressing interest is a good start. However, it's best if you are able to demonstrate leadership capability. Be a level coordinator, head some committees, even proactively suggest and volunteer to drive a project (e.g. remedial programme for your subject, if they didn't do well in prelims)? Or don't create new work to do; ask your RO/HOD what they hope to achieve and see if you are able to help make it come to fruition.

If you've been getting good appraisal (C+ at minimum; A/B is ideal) I imagine it shouldn't be too hard to negotiate some opportunities for you to prove yourself. To take up a formal appointment your CEP needs to have been bumped up from default - it's possible that you have been doing well in your assigned roles, but haven't demonstrated sufficient leadership potential for the school leaders to endorse an increase.

All the best!

Thank you for the encouragement. I have been getting C+ and above for the past 3 years. And maybe I feel that I'm fairly new to the fraternity (4yrs till date). I have headed a few committees in a year and I'm one the the CCA IC. However, I think they don't see CCA Leader as some form of appointment or a KPI to hit even though I was appointed by the school. I heard that wanting to hold a leadership position in the fraternity is not encouraged. 😂 But I guess there are too many geo 5 in my school alr, so being able to head one committee or event is a big thing.
Sometimes in order to take on leadership role, you need to consider if there are suitable vacancies for you in your current school. If there are no vacancies, you may want to consider changing school. You have to work for your aspirations and not wait for opportunities to come knocking on your door.

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  #1192 (permalink)  
Old 24-09-2018, 07:01 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post

Sometimes in order to take on leadership role, you need to consider if there are suitable vacancies for you in your current school. If there are no vacancies, you may want to consider changing school. You have to work for your aspirations and not wait for opportunities to come knocking on your door.
Yes, that is true. But I just feel that there are so many vacancy for KP position in my school. Not sure why it hasn't been open to teachers who are interested. There are only HODs for core dept. But I'll give myself another 2 years or so, then I might consider switching to another school.

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  #1193 (permalink)  
Old 24-09-2018, 05:54 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post

Yes, that is true. But I just feel that there are so many vacancy for KP position in my school. Not sure why it hasn't been open to teachers who are interested. There are only HODs for core dept. But I'll give myself another 2 years or so, then I might consider switching to another school.
Another qn: who did you express your interest in leadership position to? Sometimes, if we only express our interest to our HODs/ROs, they may not bring it up to the SLs. Find opportunities to speak to your SL and ask them how you can get there. Many a times, they may offer you an internal position to assess you.

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  #1194 (permalink)  
Old 24-09-2018, 10:15 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post

Another qn: who did you express your interest in leadership position to? Sometimes, if we only express our interest to our HODs/ROs, they may not bring it up to the SLs. Find opportunities to speak to your SL and ask them how you can get there. Many a times, they may offer you an internal position to assess you.
To be honest, I merely mentioned it to my ROs for the past few years. And I feel that based on my past performances, I seems to be doing well for my grade. But that could be the case where I don't have many colleague who are in the same grade as me. I'm wondering if I talk to my SLs, will they see me in a different light? Probably another perspective which might not be good. To be honest, I feel very confident of my inter-personal skills as well a colleague with a good EQ. At the end of the day, I think I'll need a chance to prove myself in a position. They did put me as either 1st or 2nd IC of a committee or event, but usually those are once off thing.
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  #1195 (permalink)  
Old 25-09-2018, 12:24 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post

To be honest, I merely mentioned it to my ROs for the past few years. And I feel that based on my past performances, I seems to be doing well for my grade. But that could be the case where I don't have many colleague who are in the same grade as me. I'm wondering if I talk to my SLs, will they see me in a different light? Probably another perspective which might not be good. To be honest, I feel very confident of my inter-personal skills as well a colleague with a good EQ. At the end of the day, I think I'll need a chance to prove myself in a position. They did put me as either 1st or 2nd IC of a committee or event, but usually those are once off thing.
That’s why I say find opportunity to speak to SL. Don’t stomp into their office. I think that may be awkward. Find opportunities in the canteen. Those are good opportunities to chit chat with them and while in the midst of talking, ask them how can you get to a leadership role. Never position it as why they did not choose you as a KP. Instead, ask them what are some qualities they look for in a leader and how can you reach there. This way, they will know your aspirations and most leaders do like proactive teachers.
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  #1196 (permalink)  
Old 26-09-2018, 02:48 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post

That’s why I say find opportunity to speak to SL. Don’t stomp into their office. I think that may be awkward. Find opportunities in the canteen. Those are good opportunities to chit chat with them and while in the midst of talking, ask them how can you get to a leadership role. Never position it as why they did not choose you as a KP. Instead, ask them what are some qualities they look for in a leader and how can you reach there. This way, they will know your aspirations and most leaders do like proactive teachers.
Yeap! That is a very good way of doing it, but my SLs don't go to the canteen. But there are sure opportunities to ask for qualities they r looking in a leader.
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  #1197 (permalink)  
Old 26-09-2018, 08:43 PM
Posts: n/a

I'm curious:

1. I know all EOs are entitled to medical leave and hospitalisation leave. But does taking these affect your performance grade/bonus? I'm talking about taking e.g. 10 days and above within 1 year.

Any ROs able to comment?

2. From what I heard, principals will rotate among schools every few years. Typically, how many years is that?

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  #1198 (permalink)  
Old 27-09-2018, 10:46 AM
Posts: n/a
Default seeking advice

Hi all,
I know that many of you are experienced teachers here, so I am hoping that you might be able to give me some advice on my dilemma now.

I am holding a PhD in a teaching subject and before my PhD of 5 years, I had also 2 years of working experience as an engineer. I have a passion for teaching and I know I do enjoy it as I have had many relief teaching experiences already.

I have recently obtained a job offer from an international school doing IB (similar to ACS(I)) and have also applied in the recent window of PGDE. the CS I have chosen is the JC and Sec of my PhD/BSc major . However, the first offer that came offered me Pri English and Science. I actually love children and I can work with children, but I chose JC and Sec so that I can make use of my knowledge as my teaching subject is not available in primary level. So I have rejected that and they say that they will reconsider me for sec/jc level.

Salary wise, the offer I received is okay, though a little lower than my expected. I do not know what MOE is able to offer me a place/decent salary. I am just worried about the future coz the offer is a 2 year renewable, and I do not have that many options in Singapore unlike if I am NIE trained. There are still a couple of days in the window that MOE would be informing me, but the school is saying that they cannot wait too long for my decision.

Anyone can offer some advice for me?
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  #1199 (permalink)  
Old 27-09-2018, 06:55 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I'm curious:

1. I know all EOs are entitled to medical leave and hospitalisation leave. But does taking these affect your performance grade/bonus? I'm talking about taking e.g. 10 days and above within 1 year.

Any ROs able to comment?

2. From what I heard, principals will rotate among schools every few years. Typically, how many years is that?

1. No. It will not affect your performance bonus. Ultimately, you are being ranked by your performance. If taking mc results in you performing poorly, then it will affect your performance. However, if you are genuinely sick, please take mc for the greater good. It’s very irresponsible to go to work knowing that you can pass viruses to others. You will not be ranked poorly simply because of mcs. It is your work performance that matters.

But ROs are also very aware of some black sheep who pretend to take mc even when they are not sick. Some people feel that it is their entitlement to clear all 14 days of mc and take mc whenever they want to. Anyway for these ppl, their work performance would usually be average too.

However, you need to rmb that performance bonus is different from promotion. If you are often sickly and weak, you may not be chosen to take on higher position. After all, no companies would want to promote a KP who is often not ard to do their tasks.

2. Anywhere between 3-6 years. For mission schools, the P can stay longer.
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  #1200 (permalink)  
Old 28-09-2018, 05:37 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
1. No. It will not affect your performance bonus. Ultimately, you are being ranked by your performance. If taking mc results in you performing poorly, then it will affect your performance. However, if you are genuinely sick, please take mc for the greater good. It’s very irresponsible to go to work knowing that you can pass viruses to others. You will not be ranked poorly simply because of mcs. It is your work performance that matters.

But ROs are also very aware of some black sheep who pretend to take mc even when they are not sick. Some people feel that it is their entitlement to clear all 14 days of mc and take mc whenever they want to. Anyway for these ppl, their work performance would usually be average too.

However, you need to rmb that performance bonus is different from promotion. If you are often sickly and weak, you may not be chosen to take on higher position. After all, no companies would want to promote a KP who is often not ard to do their tasks.

2. Anywhere between 3-6 years. For mission schools, the P can stay longer.
Thank you for your reply.

1. What if an officer is quite sickly e.g. just had operation etc., but keeps using it as a reason for not completing basic tasks on time? Basic tasks refer to finish marking exam papers on time etc.

2. Is 6 years the maximum? Meaning MOE will forcibly rotate that P out?
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