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ITE (lecturer)

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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2016, 09:25 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Seems most of the discussion revolves around the pay. I have no teaching experience, only industry experience as a retail manager. Could the existing lecturers share a little on the job expectations? For e.g., I suppose the lecturer hv to come up with lesson plan?
a jr lectuer dun need to do lesson plan, just give inputs can liao.

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  #62 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2016, 10:19 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
If look objectively I find ITE pay high compared to many other similar jobs even among top MNC. A lot of complainers here seem to think that anything below 300k is not worthy of their time. Seriously not anyone can be hedge fund trader making big bucks, stop dreaming. Besides the pay also need to consider job security, very low workload, short working hours and no sales kpi to meet every month.
ITE pay is definitely not considered high. A senior lecturer ceiling is 7.6K tops at
AX Grade 4A2 and as mentioned earlier, not everyone retires as senior lecturers. Most in fact, retired as lecturers only and the pay is even lower. Don't know where this notion came about that depicted ITE lecturers as having high pay. It's a big misconception.

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  #63 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2016, 10:48 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Seems most of the discussion revolves around the pay. I have no teaching experience, only industry experience as a retail manager. Could the existing lecturers share a little on the job expectations? For e.g., I suppose the lecturer hv to come up with lesson plan?
Job expectations is a revolving multi-faceted requirement. If you're Class Advisor, you have your own class to take care and along with it, the administrative aspects such as helping students to get their bursary, chasing after them if they are not attending classes which includes communicating with their parents and finding out why they didn't attend classes and many other miscellaneous stuff like ensuring they attend certain events if the class was "arrowed".

For classroom management, you are required to maintain ground rules, classroom discipline as students can get rowdy if you give too much leeway. Occasionally, you need to perform some patrol duty to catch students who break the rules such as smoking, improper attire, etc.

From the curriculum perspective, once the skill standard is formulated, if you're appointed as the chief module coordinator/module coordinator, you'll get your hands dirty with curriculum development such as coming out with the assessment scheme, table of specifications, the general and specific instructional objectives that dictate the number of theory/practical contact hours, module schedule and of course, the lesson plan for each theory/practical lesson. Naturally, you will be expected to deliver the curriculum as a module lecturer in a typical semester of 18 weeks.

On top of all these, you are also expected to lead students to take part in projects that yield successful outcomes such as the Lee Kuan Yew Technology Award projects. If you're not into projects, you should lead students to take part in major competitions like World Skills and Asean Skills competitions which hopefully culminates in the students winning some award that translates to a successful outcome. So the very definition of a successful outcome basically means the students win something. Minor competitions also abound from time to time and even if you win, don't be too happy yet as these being miniscule in nature, they will usually play a secondary role towards how the management feels towards your contributions and performance.

Whatever I have mentioned above is the workload of a typical average performing lecturer in ITE. Hope this helps.

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  #64 (permalink)  
Old 10-03-2016, 09:57 AM
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What needs to be done besides the normal classroom teaching and student projects in order to move up to Director level? Is there any minimum performance rating in order to progress beyond lecturing? I suppose once you reach Director level it should be quit easy to move between schools and MOE HQ?
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old 10-03-2016, 10:25 AM
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Normally how long do they take to contact you once you apply? How is the interview like? How is a typical day like a lecturer? from 8am till 5pm? or 3pm?

Thank you

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  #66 (permalink)  
Old 10-03-2016, 08:20 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What needs to be done besides the normal classroom teaching and student projects in order to move up to Director level? Is there any minimum performance rating in order to progress beyond lecturing? I suppose once you reach Director level it should be quit easy to move between schools and MOE HQ?
My advise and based on my observations is this: Don't bother. It is because if you're a front-line staff i.e. Lecturer, the likelihood of you getting promoted all the way to Director level is close to negligible. I only know of one staff who managed to do that though I don't know him personally save to say that his boss like him a lot to groom him for top management. So unless you're the blue-eye boy of some big honchos up there, chances are you'll work and retire as a lecturer if you come in as one.

In ITE, most of the time at the management level, appointments such as Course Manager onward to the range of DD and DoS are usually head-hunted from external organisations. It's either that or the person is really of some high caliber and have managed departments with at least a certain number of headcount. You can be rest assured they'll ask this question if you're seeking management appointments. So to save yourself some trouble and agony, get yourself hired as a course manager first before talking about moving up to Director.
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old 10-03-2016, 08:48 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post

Normally how long do they take to contact you once you apply? How is the interview like? How is a typical day like a lecturer? from 8am till 5pm? or 3pm?

Thank you
From my time several years ago, they took about a month to contact me for an interview. Usually the interview will revolve around a presentation by you on some technical subjects that you're familiar with based on what you wrote in your application. After the presentation is over, you'll be asked questions like why do you want to join ? and the usual questions to size you up. After you clear your first interview, it's waiting time again for about 2 to 4 weeks before they call you up for a second interview with some management. After the second interview, you'll be usually offered a two-year contract with ITE.

Typical work-hours for lecturers is from 8am to 5:30pm. If you have lessons to conduct at 8 am, you jolly well make sure that you come before that otherwise if you're late, your boss will come after you. Worst case scenario is that all your 40 students are waiting right outside the lab or classroom making a din and some management like the principal walks past and there you have it, a sure recipe for disaster as you'll have a hard time explaining why you are late.

There are breaks between the different lessons which you conduct but bear in mind, it's not free time for you to relax and read the newspapers or surf the web. Instead, if you have projects' deadline around the corner, you better get working on it or prepare lessons for conducting in the days ahead in the week. Contrary to popular belief, at ITE, we don't teach the same topics that doesn't change at all for the next decade. Our curriculum is structured in such a way that it follows the industry closely and every 3 years or so, we'll do a curriculum review. So if you're teaching a brand new module freshly baked as a product of the review, you better make sure you know what you're teaching otherwise students can sense that you're not versed in the module at all and will probably make life difficult for you in many ways which I won't elaborate. Take it as a way to keep yourself on your toes and be aware of your situation especially if the labs/jobsheets don't work as intended.
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old 18-10-2016, 11:18 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Nursing lecturer

Hi guys,
I am looking forward to be a lecturer in ITE.
Qualifiction: Degree in Nursing From scotland.
Diploma in nursing
Specialist diploma in palliative
Experience: 6 years clinical experience

Based on my qualifications, Does any know how much pay could i expect from ITE?
I understand ITE lecturer pay is not high. In realistic world, how much it could be ?
Not Management role.
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old 18-10-2016, 11:21 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Nursing lecturer

Hi guys,
I am looking forward to be a lecturer in ITE.
Qualifiction: Degree in Nursing From scotland.
Diploma in nursing
Specialist diploma in palliative
Experience: 6 years clinical experience

Based on my qualifications, Does any know how much pay could i expect from ITE?
I understand ITE lecturer pay is not high. In realistic world, how much it could be ?
Not Management role.
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
From my time several years ago, they took about a month to contact me for an interview. Usually the interview will revolve around a presentation by you on some technical subjects that you're familiar with based on what you wrote in your application. After the presentation is over, you'll be asked questions like why do you want to join ? and the usual questions to size you up. After you clear your first interview, it's waiting time again for about 2 to 4 weeks before they call you up for a second interview with some management. After the second interview, you'll be usually offered a two-year contract with ITE.

Typical work-hours for lecturers is from 8am to 5:30pm. If you have lessons to conduct at 8 am, you jolly well make sure that you come before that otherwise if you're late, your boss will come after you. Worst case scenario is that all your 40 students are waiting right outside the lab or classroom making a din and some management like the principal walks past and there you have it, a sure recipe for disaster as you'll have a hard time explaining why you are late.

There are breaks between the different lessons which you conduct but bear in mind, it's not free time for you to relax and read the newspapers or surf the web. Instead, if you have projects' deadline around the corner, you better get working on it or prepare lessons for conducting in the days ahead in the week. Contrary to popular belief, at ITE, we don't teach the same topics that doesn't change at all for the next decade. Our curriculum is structured in such a way that it follows the industry closely and every 3 years or so, we'll do a curriculum review. So if you're teaching a brand new module freshly baked as a product of the review, you better make sure you know what you're teaching otherwise students can sense that you're not versed in the module at all and will probably make life difficult for you in many ways which I won't elaborate. Take it as a way to keep yourself on your toes and be aware of your situation especially if the labs/jobsheets don't work as intended.
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  #70 (permalink)  
Old 19-10-2016, 11:44 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hi guys,
I am looking forward to be a lecturer in ITE.
Qualifiction: Degree in Nursing From scotland.
Diploma in nursing
Specialist diploma in palliative
Experience: 6 years clinical experience

Based on my qualifications, Does any know how much pay could i expect from ITE?
I understand ITE lecturer pay is not high. In realistic world, how much it could be ?
Not Management role.
Think base on your experience should be offered about 5.5-6k as a lecturer.
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