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  #2601 (permalink)  
Old 19-02-2022, 07:01 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
it mean ex client of ST when they switch job will go to ST and become bosses
??? Where do these people come from??? Other ST BU?

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  #2602 (permalink)  
Old 19-02-2022, 08:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
??? Where do these people come from??? Other ST BU?
That's also one possibility. Dunno encountered how many from this division jump join another division. Then quit join another "company" at iurong east. Then quit go outside. Xsnf survive then rejoin back original division.

Its almost like they just can't find work outside. Wanna quit cause low pay. Go outside have to work for the pay don't want. Then suck thumb come back to retirement village

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  #2603 (permalink)  
Old 19-02-2022, 08:40 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
That's also one possibility. Dunno encountered how many from this division jump join another division. Then quit join another "company" at iurong east. Then quit go outside. Xsnf survive then rejoin back original division.

Its almost like they just can't find work outside. Wanna quit cause low pay. Go outside have to work for the pay don't want. Then suck thumb come back to retirement village
What??? Seriously? They sound like epic losers.
Why don't they work and value add? It's the same everywhere else. People Work to get things done and value add to justify why they deserve a job in the company.

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  #2604 (permalink)  
Old 20-02-2022, 04:31 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What??? Seriously? They sound like epic losers.
Why don't they work and value add? It's the same everywhere else. People Work to get things done and value add to justify why they deserve a job in the company.
Ask yourself la.
If you get paid 4k.
- come to work late.
- breakfast until 945 am.
- morning some casual discussion.
- lunch 1130 am until 130 pm.
- come back type some email or PowerPoint
- your colleagues all the same kind
- all go home 530 pm

Compared with
If you get paid 4.5k
- work 10 hours per day including weekend
- client keep demanding update / boss keep rushing you
- overtime everyday
- lunch also short cause all your colleagues eat lunch at their desk
- nobody leaves at 530
- average most people leave at 7 pm
- since so late people stay back 2 more hours to claim cab

So for that extra 500. Is it worth it?

That's why the ST mentality all want to retire. All the good talents leave.
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  #2605 (permalink)  
Old 20-02-2022, 07:19 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What? 1 year in your current role you learn more than 5 years in ST? That bad?
I spent the 5 years just going in circles doing documentation because projects drag too long and requirements keep changing. Since I cannot receive any deliverables, I end up just helping with small projects or do documentation. Basically, I became a technical admin so anyone who needs documentation for their projects will find me.

My current role while not as technical, involves a lot of thinking, planning and answering to the customers myself. Basically I am the bridge between my bosses, the customers and our partners so I am exposed to more aspects of business instead of just pure engineering, rather "engineering".
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  #2606 (permalink)  
Old 21-02-2022, 09:29 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I spent the 5 years just going in circles doing documentation because projects drag too long and requirements keep changing. Since I cannot receive any deliverables, I end up just helping with small projects or do documentation. Basically, I became a technical admin so anyone who needs documentation for their projects will find me.

My current role while not as technical, involves a lot of thinking, planning and answering to the customers myself. Basically I am the bridge between my bosses, the customers and our partners so I am exposed to more aspects of business instead of just pure engineering, rather "engineering".
Read through the thread randomly gives me the impression that ST works on a different set of rules. How can a company survive this long if that's how they work. Unless they have political backing or some long term injection of funds from a bottomless jug into a bottomless pit just like ST that got 900million over 5 years despite the disappointing performance. Otherwise, it is impossible for incompetence and complacency to breed for so long that it becomes a private playground for the long time employees.

Customer Requirements changing is common. But 5 years going in circles doing documentation is a waste of time. Don't you all track your productivity? Like having a ceiling manhour/cost allowable so attention can be diverted to other projects that are making money? Because that's what we do.

And 5 years doing that without leaving? what took you so long??
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  #2607 (permalink)  
Old 21-02-2022, 01:59 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Read through the thread randomly gives me the impression that ST works on a different set of rules. How can a company survive this long if that's how they work. Unless they have political backing or some long term injection of funds from a bottomless jug into a bottomless pit just like ST that got 900million over 5 years despite the disappointing performance. Otherwise, it is impossible for incompetence and complacency to breed for so long that it becomes a private playground for the long time employees.

Customer Requirements changing is common. But 5 years going in circles doing documentation is a waste of time. Don't you all track your productivity? Like having a ceiling manhour/cost allowable so attention can be diverted to other projects that are making money? Because that's what we do.

And 5 years doing that without leaving? what took you so long??
ST Work mostly from one place one and all auto come one that why need clearance.

Plus st also hired alot of the ppl from this client and let them retire in st what.
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  #2608 (permalink)  
Old 21-02-2022, 02:01 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Read through the thread randomly gives me the impression that ST works on a different set of rules. How can a company survive this long if that's how they work. Unless they have political backing or some long term injection of funds from a bottomless jug into a bottomless pit just like ST that got 900million over 5 years despite the disappointing performance. Otherwise, it is impossible for incompetence and complacency to breed for so long that it becomes a private playground for the long time employees.

Customer Requirements changing is common. But 5 years going in circles doing documentation is a waste of time. Don't you all track your productivity? Like having a ceiling manhour/cost allowable so attention can be diverted to other projects that are making money? Because that's what we do.

And 5 years doing that without leaving? what took you so long??
ST job normally auto come de. Plus alot of purachute into st management as well that why st culture so cmi
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  #2609 (permalink)  
Old 21-02-2022, 02:20 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Read through the thread randomly gives me the impression that ST works on a different set of rules. How can a company survive this long if that's how they work. Unless they have political backing or some long term injection of funds from a bottomless jug into a bottomless pit just like ST that got 900million over 5 years despite the disappointing performance. Otherwise, it is impossible for incompetence and complacency to breed for so long that it becomes a private playground for the long time employees.

Customer Requirements changing is common. But 5 years going in circles doing documentation is a waste of time. Don't you all track your productivity? Like having a ceiling manhour/cost allowable so attention can be diverted to other projects that are making money? Because that's what we do.

And 5 years doing that without leaving? what took you so long??
I used the time in my 3rd and 4th year to ask my bosses to send me for courses since I will get certifications and need no serve any bond. Criteria is that I must get the certification.

I left 3 months before my 5 year mark.

As for requirements, if you get a marketing department that just sign contracts without caring if terms can be delivered and PMs who can't be bothered to keep track on anything, everything else won't happen except for delays and delays.
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  #2610 (permalink)  
Old 21-02-2022, 05:47 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I used the time in my 3rd and 4th year to ask my bosses to send me for courses since I will get certifications and need no serve any bond. Criteria is that I must get the certification.

I left 3 months before my 5 year mark.

As for requirements, if you get a marketing department that just sign contracts without caring if terms can be delivered and PMs who can't be bothered to keep track on anything, everything else won't happen except for delays and delays.
Seriously?? That's the first time I am hearing a company like this exists.
What is the sort of project planning you have? Like phase, milestones and deliverables?
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