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Unregistered 22-07-2016 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 88744)
Obviously not true. Else how can people in the service job hopped around different agencies? You always see the peak during May - Jun and Aug - Sep period where people resign/second/transfer to join new agencies.

Word of caution. If you do apply for jobs (within the Public Service) while still in current place (also within Public Service), it is possible that they will contact the HR of your current place. And naturally, the HR will contact your boss. Especially true if you've went through the interviews and they are considering you. Not always, but may happen. So it may be polite to tell your current boss you are considering elsewhere.

Hi, thanks for clarifying, i mean i'm under 1 year in my present job so i think i was specific enough.

Therefore i think i meant whether they would not call applicants up who are already in public org but < 1 year ? (Im well over 6 months already)

Unregistered 23-07-2016 10:57 PM

Hi all, may i ask ios it true that for males, if you are PES C public service will not want you ? Im taking about non uniform roles.

Unregistered 24-07-2016 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 88779)
Hi all, may i ask ios it true that for males, if you are PES C public service will not want you ? Im taking about non uniform roles.

true only for uniform schemes. For non-uniform roles, they will take you in if youre fitting regardless of your pes status.
source: im pes c in non-uniform role. i know 4 others like me.

Unregistered 24-07-2016 01:53 PM

Anyone knows what's the fresh engineering graduate pay & prospects in National Environment Agency (NEA)?

I'm currently studying environmental engineering in NUS, and am thinking of working there when I graduate..

Unregistered 27-07-2016 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 88747)
Hi, thanks for clarifying, i mean i'm under 1 year in my present job so i think i was specific enough.

Therefore i think i meant whether they would not call applicants up who are already in public org but < 1 year ? (Im well over 6 months already)

Not true. They hire based on merit. If you apply through the usual open channels like and they want you, they will contact your current job's HR and ask for your employment records. If it is the same scheme, a transfer of service will be done. If they are different schemes, you will have to tender your resignation for your current job and go into the new job as a fresh hire. The hiring HR is only allowed to talk to your current HR if and only if they are 100% sure they want to hire you. Otherwise, they cannot just call up your current HR to check on you. If you are scared, just tell the hiring HR during your interview to let you know first before they contact your current HR. In this way, you can be prepared and tell your boss first, since by then, the job is already kinda in your pocket liao.

Unregistered 27-07-2016 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 88863)
Not true. They hire based on merit. If you apply through the usual open channels like and they want you, they will contact your current job's HR and ask for your employment records. If it is the same scheme, a transfer of service will be done. If they are different schemes, you will have to tender your resignation for your current job and go into the new job as a fresh hire. The hiring HR is only allowed to talk to your current HR if and only if they are 100% sure they want to hire you. Otherwise, they cannot just call up your current HR to check on you. If you are scared, just tell the hiring HR during your interview to let you know first before they contact your current HR. In this way, you can be prepared and tell your boss first, since by then, the job is already kinda in your pocket liao.

Thank you so much !! God bless you kind soul

Unregistered 16-08-2016 12:58 AM

I am graduating soon. If I graduate with first class honours from SMU, will my CEP be higher than those who did not graduate with first class?

If yes, will my CEP still be lower than that of the local MAS scholars?

Also, does anyone know the salary progression in MAS? I heard that the starting salary is 3.8k but how does it progress from there?

Thanks in advance!

Unregistered 16-08-2016 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 89514)
I am graduating soon. If I graduate with first class honours from SMU, will my CEP be higher than those who did not graduate with first class?

If yes, will my CEP still be lower than that of the local MAS scholars?

Also, does anyone know the salary progression in MAS? I heard that the starting salary is 3.8k but how does it progress from there?

Thanks in advance!

Your CEP will be lower than scholars, who want to promote you? They already pumped in a few hundred thousand into their scholars, they must be mad not to promote the scholars fast track.

Unregistered 16-08-2016 09:50 PM

im working in a ministry, if i leave the job after a year (nov 15 - nov 16), will i be given the end of year bonus? thanks.

Unregistered 17-08-2016 11:43 AM

No if u quit before 31 dec 2016 u will not get your year end bonus

Unregistered 17-08-2016 08:30 PM

engineers increment
any agencies / ministry have announce on the special engineers increment? is it based on engineers degree or work related to engineering?

Unregistered 01-09-2016 08:47 AM

I am working in a government agency with engineering relate work.

We will be briefed today on this increment and what I understand is as long as you are engineer based work or work related to engineering and in my case is construction. You will get it

I will update the info after today's briefing if you are interested to know

Unregistered 01-09-2016 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 90052)
I am working in a government agency with engineering relate work.

We will be briefed today on this increment and what I understand is as long as you are engineer based work or work related to engineering and in my case is construction. You will get it

I will update the info after today's briefing if you are interested to know

Please update us, I haven't heard about any briefing yet.

Unregistered 02-09-2016 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 89580)
any agencies / ministry have announce on the special engineers increment? is it based on engineers degree or work related to engineering?

Of course it is work related to engineering. Why would it be based on degree? Your reason for asking is probably because you have an engineering degree, but that does not make you an engineer.

SG_User 03-09-2016 04:37 PM

I went to Careers@Gov to look at the job openings. Some of them the openings and closing dates are very close. Does this automatically means that position is in need of personnel? And how about those where the dates are very far apart? Safe to assume those are not really urgent positions?

Unregistered 12-09-2016 10:19 AM

What's the difference between ministry and stat board? Do they focus on different things?

In term of role, work and tasks, do ministry do things that stat board do not handle or specialise in, and vice versa?

Unregistered 12-09-2016 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 90311)
What's the difference between ministry and stat board? Do they focus on different things?

In term of role, work and tasks, do ministry do things that stat board do not handle or specialise in, and vice versa?

im gonna sound very dumb answering ur question, but i'd still do it anyway...

Ministry: anything with the word ministry in front...
MOE education
MOH health
MOHA home affairs
MOD defence
MOF finance
MOFA foreign affairs

Statboard: anything that isn't a ministry or has the word ministry in it...

Unregistered 12-09-2016 10:47 AM

there are other statboards like CPF, IRAS, MPA, but i lazy to list out all la...

Unregistered 12-09-2016 10:48 AM


Statboard: anything that isn't a ministry or dont have the word ministry in it...

Liberators 12-09-2016 01:22 PM

How hard is it to get a Public Sector job? I heard widely that as long as you have a good honours degree you stand to have a good chance. Yet after applying for so long i've not had even a phone call for any interviews.

Thoughts? Second Upper from NTU, Science. 26 male with NS.

Unregistered 12-09-2016 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by Liberators (Post 90325)
How hard is it to get a Public Sector job? I heard widely that as long as you have a good honours degree you stand to have a good chance. Yet after applying for so long i've not had even a phone call for any interviews.

Thoughts? Second Upper from NTU, Science. 26 male with NS.

Science abit too broad eh, which science? What are your skillsets? Humanities and social science grads usually get into the policy side of things. If your stats is strong, there are quite a lot of opportunities. I knew of a few Bio science grads from NTU doing policy work in MOH.

Liberators 12-09-2016 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 90341)
Science abit too broad eh, which science? What are your skillsets? Humanities and social science grads usually get into the policy side of things. If your stats is strong, there are quite a lot of opportunities. I knew of a few Bio science grads from NTU doing policy work in MOH.


Try applying to statistician since my friend recommended me to. Nada.

Unregistered 13-09-2016 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by Liberators (Post 90342)

Try applying to statistician since my friend recommended me to. Nada.

how long have u applied for jobs?

if u still cant get any interviews after 3-4 months, perhaps is your resume problem? try to get someone to correct your resume n make it eye catching?

Unregistered 24-09-2016 10:25 AM

I am looking for software engineer job. Main job is to design and development software.

Are there real engineering jobs in public sector?
Or outsourced to private sector vendors or GLCs like NCS and ST Engineering?

Many of the so-called public sector engineer position seem to be focused on project management, government procurement and vendor management, and not implementation.

Am I right?

Unregistered 27-09-2016 01:11 PM

I am an engineering graduate. Personally, I dislike organizing or participating in welfare events, outreach events, administrative tasks or secretarial duties like minutes writing that takes up my days.

Even though I am not in a HR role or secretarial role which usually are involved in the above, should I still apply for a public sector/civil service job?

Unregistered 27-09-2016 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 90732)
I am an engineering graduate. Personally, I dislike organizing or participating in welfare events, outreach events, administrative tasks or secretarial duties like minutes writing that takes up my days.

Even though I am not in a HR role or secretarial role which usually are involved in the above, should I still apply for a public sector/civil service job?

If you aspire to a managerial role, staff work (aka organising events, meetings, take minutes, etc) is an integral part of the civil service no matter which dept you go. The difference is in the amount of staff work you have to do. Ops depts tend to do lesser, policy depts more. The only people who don't do staff work are those who have already reached their ceiling and cannot be promoted anymore. Otherwise, because the civil service is generally not bottom-line centric, staff work is often used to justify why you should be promoted on top of everyone else with the same grade and capabilities as you. It also helps to profile you to other bosses so that when it comes to ranking, other bosses can help to fight for your promotion. Otherwise, every boss will say their own subordinates are good and deserve a promotion.

Perhaps the only person who don't need to staff someone in the government is the President. Even PM needs to staff the President....

Unregistered 31-08-2017 02:49 PM

Just got a call from MTI to do a take-home written test. Does anyone have more info on the rest of the application process, working culture, salary and benefits? I applied for an Senior/Asst Director position. Thanks!

Unregistered 31-08-2017 08:32 PM

i am perm staff with a stat board. got offered a position in another stat board and they told me it would be a 1 year contract before convert to perm. is this the norm? why would i give up perm status to go contract job?

anyone here got similar experience?

Unregistered 26-09-2017 10:46 AM

Can I ask if it would be advisable to apply for a different post say post b , with the same ministry or stat board after a recent (few months ago) unsuccessful interview outcome with them for post a.? Advice is much appreciated. Thanks

Unregistered 28-09-2017 03:27 PM

anyone knows what are the terms of resignation from civil service? any website/guide that i can view online?

Unregistered 29-09-2017 10:31 PM

Anybody can help with expected salary range for deputy director for Skillsfuture Singapore formerly named WDA? Thanks!

Unregistered 20-10-2017 08:38 AM

Hi, about sidetrack here as this query has nothing to do with salary and hiring procedures. I had just joined HDB and was issued a staff pass. Anyone know if this staff pass considered a PS card for purpose of visiting private clinics under MSO scheme? I used to be with a ministry before and was issued a separate PS card which clearly stated it as a PS card, but HDB staff pass only has its HDB logo and my photo without indicating it as a PS card. Thanks

Unregistered 20-10-2017 01:52 PM

I am two months into my job at a ministry and realized that it's not a good fit for me, both in terms of team culture and job scope. Can anybody please enlighten me if it is too soon to start applying for a job? & if I were to apply, will the current boss/HR know of it cause I don't want to worsen the current working environment and relationship.

Unregistered 20-10-2017 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 101100)
I am two months into my job at a ministry and realized that it's not a good fit for me, both in terms of team culture and job scope. Can anybody please enlighten me if it is too soon to start applying for a job? & if I were to apply, will the current boss/HR know of it cause I don't want to worsen the current working environment and relationship.

You may try applying no harm. Hr will only inform your boss if the new ministry accept u via transfer policy. If from ministry to stat be, your boss will not know where u will be going unless you tell him or her. But i thought usually people in stat boards face this problem you are having right now rather than people in ministries, as most stats boards are more operational and public facing compared to most ministries.

Unregistered 20-10-2017 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 101101)
You may try applying no harm. Hr will only inform your boss if the new ministry accept u via transfer policy. If from ministry to stat be, your boss will not know where u will be going unless you tell him or her. But i thought usually people in stat boards face this problem you are having right now rather than people in ministries, as most stats boards are more operational and public facing compared to most ministries.

Thanks! & oso, must I state that I'm currently in this ministry? Or is it ok to leave it out due to short duration?

Unregistered 20-10-2017 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 101100)
I am two months into my job at a ministry and realized that it's not a good fit for me, both in terms of team culture and job scope. Can anybody please enlighten me if it is too soon to start applying for a job? & if I were to apply, will the current boss/HR know of it cause I don't want to worsen the current working environment and relationship.

No harm having a conversation with your supervisor and HR. But I don' think it is possible.

Why? Because you have not completed your probation. The typical probation is 6 months. Any agency would be wary to take on someone who had not even completed probation at the place he applied for. Perhaps you can try to go thru the 6 months, get confirmed before trying your luck else where?

Unregistered 20-10-2017 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 90732)
I am an engineering graduate. Personally, I dislike organizing or participating in welfare events, outreach events, administrative tasks or secretarial duties like minutes writing that takes up my days.

no wonder they say singaporean graduates lack soft skills.

Unregistered 21-10-2017 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 101093)
Hi, about sidetrack here as this query has nothing to do with salary and hiring procedures. I had just joined HDB and was issued a staff pass. Anyone know if this staff pass considered a PS card for purpose of visiting private clinics under MSO scheme? I used to be with a ministry before and was issued a separate PS card which clearly stated it as a PS card, but HDB staff pass only has its HDB logo and my photo without indicating it as a PS card. Thanks

My clinic (Healthway) asked for my staff pass to verify that I am a staff of the agency (not HDB). My wife had a separate medical card from the insurance company.

Unregistered 30-10-2017 12:00 PM

I have over 8 years working experience in both public and private sector and currently working in a stat bd at the Mx 12 grade. Anyone know if I apply for a position with another public agency e.g. ministry, will the agency consider my years of experience and offer a grade Mx 11? Thanks

jrbearus 30-10-2017 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 101323)
I have over 8 years working experience in both public and private sector and currently working in a stat bd at the Mx 12 grade. Anyone know if I apply for a position with another public agency e.g. ministry, will the agency consider my years of experience and offer a grade Mx 11? Thanks

Possible, if you have relevant working experience required by the agency AND the post that you are applying for is one of MX11.

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