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jrbearus 30-10-2017 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 101093)
Hi, about sidetrack here as this query has nothing to do with salary and hiring procedures. I had just joined HDB and was issued a staff pass. Anyone know if this staff pass considered a PS card for purpose of visiting private clinics under MSO scheme? I used to be with a ministry before and was issued a separate PS card which clearly stated it as a PS card, but HDB staff pass only has its HDB logo and my photo without indicating it as a PS card. Thanks

You have to look out for the MBS@Gov logo. My experience is that some clinics may not want to accept it even then, claiming that they cannot find your particulars.

Unregistered 31-10-2017 05:18 PM

basse ladezone
What should I put for the monthly & annual salary expectation?
Applying for an Engineer position at SB...
local grad,2 years of engineering experience, no ns

Unregistered 06-11-2017 05:26 PM

Hi I went for an interview last week at a ministry. Was informed by HR during interview that there will be a second round of interview if shortlisted but was not told when would i be informed. Based on experiences, can anyone shed light on how long does it take to be informed whether one is furthered shortlisted to second round interview after the first round? Thanks!

Unregistered 23-11-2017 05:00 PM

Hi, anyone can advise on the working culture and prospects in IE Singapore? Also what's the typical number of years do fresh grads get promoted from Manager to Senior Manager?

Unregistered 23-12-2017 10:40 PM

For those working in ministries, are there benefits such as corporate discounts when recontracting mobile line?

Unregistered 25-12-2017 01:58 PM


if Ministry offers 3 years contract position..and if we break contract, we will have to pay back $$$, based on the number of months of salary remaining right?

zero_88 26-12-2017 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 99900)
i am perm staff with a stat board. got offered a position in another stat board and they told me it would be a 1 year contract before convert to perm. is this the norm? why would i give up perm status to go contract job?

anyone here got similar experience?

It is a common practise to offer you contract work for public sector or GLC

as a probation to see whether you can work or not, and whether are you really suitable in this work environment

I have seem 2 years contract before

if 1 year contract is still okay

Unregistered 11-03-2018 02:29 AM

I was recently offered by one of the ministry. The HR called and I accept the offer. But the HR told me the offer will be confirmed after approval by the senior management. Anyone know what's this approval for? I am afraid that they will suddenly say the senior management don't approve. I am really really worried!

Unregistered 05-07-2018 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by jrbearus (Post 101324)
Possible, if you have relevant working experience required by the agency AND the post that you are applying for is one of MX11.

Wonder if anyone manage to move from one public agency (mx12) to another (mx11) provided acquired the no. of relevant years of exp? Will HR of hiring agency push for movement policy (same terms and conditions + same substantive grade) rather than give the prospective employee the better option?

Unregistered 06-07-2018 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 108611)
Wonder if anyone manage to move from one public agency (mx12) to another (mx11) provided acquired the no. of relevant years of exp? Will HR of hiring agency push for movement policy (same terms and conditions + same substantive grade) rather than give the prospective employee the better option?

employee can choose if they want to resign and renego package or go for mopo.

usually upfront will tell the HR if you want to be considered as new candidate or mopo

Unregistered 08-07-2018 01:57 AM

Govt Job Offer
I receive a job offer from a Ministry but I prefer another job from Stats Board, but the Stats Board have not call me for an interview. The status updated in Career@Gov for the Stats Board position was "In Process".

Under this situation, can I agree to accept the offer from Ministry first, while waiting for the Stats Board interview? If Stats board offers me the job, then I inform the Ministry that I have better offer? I know this will not appear good in me, but I don't dare to take the risk to reject the Ministry, just in case the Stats Board did not call me for interview or I was not selected for the job. Anyone have experience similar situation before? Can give some advice? I'm really lost now..

Unregistered 08-07-2018 09:05 AM

Is there any difference in pay and career progression in stats boards and ministries? If i receive a job offer from both, which would be a better choice?

Unregistered 08-07-2018 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 108659)
I receive a job offer from a Ministry but I prefer another job from Stats Board, but the Stats Board have not call me for an interview. The status updated in Career@Gov for the Stats Board position was "In Process".

Under this situation, can I agree to accept the offer from Ministry first, while waiting for the Stats Board interview? If Stats board offers me the job, then I inform the Ministry that I have better offer? I know this will not appear good in me, but I don't dare to take the risk to reject the Ministry, just in case the Stats Board did not call me for interview or I was not selected for the job. Anyone have experience similar situation before? Can give some advice? I'm really lost now..

I was in a similar situation as you except that Ministry A made an offer to me and I had to reply them my acceptance or decline job offer before my scheduled interview with Ministry B. I decided to take the risk to decline Ministry A's offer before my interview with Ministry B as I felt that Ministry B's job scope and environment would likely be more suitable for me. Hence I am taking a risk to decline Ministry A's offer while pending the confirmed interview with Ministry B. For my case then, I was still under employment with a statutory board and my interview with Ministry B is confirmed. Hence in the event I rejected ministry a and ministry b also rejected me, at least I still got my current job to fall back on.

You may wish to assess whether do you think your chance with the stat board is high enough and you are willing to take a risk to decline Ministry offer. Usually, in process in career gov doesn't mean you will get an interview for sure. This has happened to me before and in process can become unsuccessful for reason unknown to you. If you do not like to take risk, assess whether the ministry offer is reasonable and whether you will like the job or not. You may want to accept the ministry offer since the start board's interview is not firm and you are in need of a job and the ministry offer is acceptable to you. However if you accept ministry offer, signed on the dotted line and back out at the last minute cos you decided to accept another better offer say from stat board, you have to prepare that in future your application to the ministry may not be considered .i.e the ministry hr dept may blacklist your name. Hope the above sharing is useful and you can make a wise informed choice

Unregistered 24-10-2018 10:23 AM

Civil servant KPI during appraisal
Is it true that nowadays civil servants are required / encouraged to do special extra KPI in their appraisal every year on top of those in the normal job scope. Like organise or participate in public outreach events and exhibitions, give talks, supervise interns, visit the schools or engage reporters to talk about the work they do in the civil/public service?

Is it compulsory for all or only for those ambitious ones who are trying to outperform or stand out for a promotion?

Are the directors and managers being made to encourage their subordinates to do extra work?

Unregistered 26-10-2018 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 111112)
Is it true that nowadays civil servants are required / encouraged to do special extra KPI in their appraisal every year on top of those in the normal job scope. Like organise or participate in public outreach events and exhibitions, give talks, supervise interns, visit the schools or engage reporters to talk about the work they do in the civil/public service?

Is it compulsory for all or only for those ambitious ones who are trying to outperform or stand out for a promotion?

Are the directors and managers being made to encourage their subordinates to do extra work?

These extra tasks outside of primary jobscope has been there all along in the govt sector.

And no, its not compulsory for you to participate in public outreach. Unless you are in that specific department that handles these activities because that will be your primary jobscope.

Directors will encourage staffs to join these but ultimately, its your choice. They can't force you.

But during performance appraisal, if all things equal, naturally the person whom did more additional tasks will get a better rank over you. Simple logic.

Unregistered 27-10-2018 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 111112)
Is it true that nowadays civil servants are required / encouraged to do special extra KPI in their appraisal every year on top of those in the normal job scope. Like organise or participate in public outreach events and exhibitions, give talks, supervise interns, visit the schools or engage reporters to talk about the work they do in the civil/public service?

Is it compulsory for all or only for those ambitious ones who are trying to outperform or stand out for a promotion?

Are the directors and managers being made to encourage their subordinates to do extra work?

cannot siam CCA one
if nt hw u standout during appraisal

Unregistered 27-10-2018 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 111209)
cannot siam CCA one
if nt hw u standout during appraisal

Yes but if one cocks up, it's worse than doing just well in your routine work.

Unregistered 20-11-2018 11:59 AM

Tech/engineering career
For engineering/IT jobs, is it true that in the public sector, there is not much chance of staying a technical specialist in the long run?

I understand that there may be real engineering work only for entry level fresh grad engineers.

But they'll be moved up to project management in the long run eventually, mostly handling outsourced projects, handing budgeting, procurements and tenders, talking to vendors about project specifications and requirements, and presenting project updates to management.

In short, there is no long term career route for technically inclined people.

People do not have the choice to stay in a technical role due to the career advancement policy in public sector. Most people would be pressured to move up to project management roles where they may stay stagnant unless they're scholar of some kind.

Is the understanding correct? Are there places within the public sector that allow engineers to specialize in technical work?

Unregistered 20-11-2018 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 111752)
For engineering/IT jobs, is it true that in the public sector, there is not much chance of staying a technical specialist in the long run?

I understand that there may be real engineering work only for entry level fresh grad engineers.

But they'll be moved up to project management in the long run eventually, mostly handling outsourced projects, handing budgeting, procurements and tenders, talking to vendors about project specifications and requirements, and presenting project updates to management.

In short, there is no long term career route for technically inclined people.

People do not have the choice to stay in a technical role due to the career advancement policy in public sector. Most people would be pressured to move up to project management roles where they may stay stagnant unless they're scholar of some kind.

Is the understanding correct? Are there places within the public sector that allow engineers to specialize in technical work?

It is true to a certain extent. The amount of estabs in public sector for senior specialists are very little as compared to managerial roles. From here, you can already differentiate the different path. There are definitely more senior managers role as compared to senior specialists. One thing for sure is that your salary will still go up yearly until you reached the ceiling :)

Unregistered 10-01-2020 11:00 PM

What to expect from a IT Support Technician/Desktop Support working in A-STAR? My very first job, hence I'm curious.

Unregistered 13-01-2020 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 127980)
What to expect from a IT Support Technician/Desktop Support working in A-STAR? My very first job, hence I'm curious.

Does A-Star Pays well?

Unregistered 20-01-2020 02:05 PM

Hi, have any one working in public sector ever been "victimised" by your superior when he or she learnt that you are actively looking for a job elsewhere? I am currently working in a public agency and my Dept head seemed to be finding fault with me at every single opportunity possible. Other extra mile efforts beyond my immediate work responsibilities have often been either overlooked or dismissed as my deserved work.

This situation has happened ever since he learnt from HR (for cross reference checking on appropriate timing to release me) that another agency was offering me a position. At that point in time, I had only agreed for the other agency's hr to do a cross reference check with my hr. Subsequently after careful consideration, I turned down the other agency's offer as it was a contract job with no contract renewal for the position I had applied for.

Any kind advice to deal with this kind of situation would be appreciated. Thank you.

Unregistered 20-01-2020 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 128204)
Hi, have any one working in public sector ever been "victimised" by your superior when he or she learnt that you are actively looking for a job elsewhere? I am currently working in a public agency and my Dept head seemed to be finding fault with me at every single opportunity possible. Other extra mile efforts beyond my immediate work responsibilities have often been either overlooked or dismissed as my deserved work.

This situation has happened ever since he learnt from HR (for cross reference checking on appropriate timing to release me) that another agency was offering me a position. At that point in time, I had only agreed for the other agency's hr to do a cross reference check with my hr. Subsequently after careful consideration, I turned down the other agency's offer as it was a contract job with no contract renewal for the position I had applied for.

Any kind advice to deal with this kind of situation would be appreciated. Thank you.

That's part and parcel of working life, esp for insecure bosses.

Unregistered 21-01-2020 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 128204)
Hi, have any one working in public sector ever been "victimised" by your superior when he or she learnt that you are actively looking for a job elsewhere? I am currently working in a public agency and my Dept head seemed to be finding fault with me at every single opportunity possible. Other extra mile efforts beyond my immediate work responsibilities have often been either overlooked or dismissed as my deserved work.

This situation has happened ever since he learnt from HR (for cross reference checking on appropriate timing to release me) that another agency was offering me a position. At that point in time, I had only agreed for the other agency's hr to do a cross reference check with my hr. Subsequently after careful consideration, I turned down the other agency's offer as it was a contract job with no contract renewal for the position I had applied for.

Any kind advice to deal with this kind of situation would be appreciated. Thank you.

Are you the one who kept asking if can quit in Feb serve notice and still get pb in March?

Unregistered 21-01-2020 12:15 PM

Nope. I am another person and did not ask any qn on the PB earlier which I am not concerned about.

Unregistered 02-02-2020 06:14 PM

How Long will it take for preemployment check
Hi I went for my preemployment medical checkup. It’s going to be about 2 weeks now and still no reply from anyone. I’ve been offered the job already,verbally. Now I’m very worried I’m not getting the job.

Unregistered 04-02-2020 07:50 PM

Don't worry, you're anot alone. I went for my medical on 20 Jan and have not heard anything back yet. Just have to give them a bit more time I guess

Unregistered 16-02-2020 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 128059)
Does A-Star Pays well?

Not for corporate back office

Unregistered 19-02-2020 02:13 PM

HDB System Analyst
Anyone work in HDB as a system analyst (ISG dept) before? Care to share your experience? Eg How's the culture, work life balance, is the tech used current etc. Thank u!

Boredcookies 21-08-2020 10:58 PM

Hi I just went on an interview at NEA last week and they said they will get back to us in 2-4 weeks time. Is that normal? I applied a role as an Engineer. Any replies from other shortlisted candidates? And also, if you know, do you mind sharing the kind of packages they would offer? and the working culture like? I do not want to be low-balled.

Currently working in private, 24 YO, F, about 3.8K gross.

boomZ 22-08-2020 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by Boredcookies (Post 144301)
Hi I just went on an interview at NEA last week and they said they will get back to us in 2-4 weeks time. Is that normal? I applied a role as an Engineer. Any replies from other shortlisted candidates? And also, if you know, do you mind sharing the kind of packages they would offer? and the working culture like? I do not want to be low-balled.

Currently working in private, 24 YO, F, about 3.8K gross.

In your application, did you:
1)already put your gross as 3.8k?
2)did you indicate your expected salary?

Also sometimes a good sensing willbe to chat the HR coordinator if how many candidates are being shortlisted for this role. This willbe helpful too. :)

Boredcookies 22-08-2020 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by boomZ (Post 144308)
In your application, did you:
1)already put your gross as 3.8k?
2)did you indicate your expected salary?

Also sometimes a good sensing willbe to chat the HR coordinator if how many candidates are being shortlisted for this role. This willbe helpful too. :)

Yea i did both on the careers@gov portal.
It was a online interview with the Assistant Manager, Manager and Deputy Director of the dept. Any idea is I do get a 2nd interview, who would be in the panel? 😅

Waiting in agony is whats really nerve wrecking for me right now. Wanted to drop the HR an email but thought it was too soon. Probably send them a follow up email next week. Thank you!

Unregistered 22-08-2020 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Boredcookies (Post 144309)
Yea i did both on the careers@gov portal.
It was a online interview with the Assistant Manager, Manager and Deputy Director of the dept. Any idea is I do get a 2nd interview, who would be in the panel? 😅

Waiting in agony is whats really nerve wrecking for me right now. Wanted to drop the HR an email but thought it was too soon. Probably send them a follow up email next week. Thank you!

Realistically speaking, if you’re 24, youve probably only worked a year or so? In that case, assuming you have a degree from a local uni with good honours, you can probably expect 3.3-3.5k. Males only draw about 3.8k and thats with NS included.

boomZ 22-08-2020 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Boredcookies (Post 144309)
Yea i did both on the careers@gov portal.
It was a online interview with the Assistant Manager, Manager and Deputy Director of the dept. Any idea is I do get a 2nd interview, who would be in the panel? 😅

Waiting in agony is whats really nerve wrecking for me right now. Wanted to drop the HR an email but thought it was too soon. Probably send them a follow up email next week. Thank you!

If you have indeed posted a current gross of $3800.00 u probably qualify optimistically for their pay grade. Keep the optimism up :). if you are suitable, they will call you within these 1-2 weeks. Final interview could be their Director. Or if the DD can call the shots, the HR will call you make you an offer.

-side track $3800 is indeed a very good package for a fairly young candidate :)

Boredcookies 22-08-2020 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by boomZ (Post 144315)
If you have indeed posted a current gross of $3800.00 u probably qualify optimistically for their pay grade. Keep the optimism up :). if you are suitable, they will call you within these 1-2 weeks. Final interview could be their Director. Or if the DD can call the shots, the HR will call you make you an offer.

-side track $3800 is indeed a very good package for a fairly young candidate :)

Hahahahaha I guess? But it comes with a heavy price. 12 hrs shift from Mon to Fri. Sometimes my AM would guilt trip me slightly for not coming to work on weekends. But compared to my other mates from the cohort, those working in pharmaceuticals earn 4K++. I cant do bio for nuts so I dont want to be a pharma slave. But kudos to those who enjoy it can really prosper and even more through this difficult times!

Thanks though for the advise!

Boredcookies 22-08-2020 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 144313)
Realistically speaking, if you’re 24, youve probably only worked a year or so? In that case, assuming you have a degree from a local uni with good honours, you can probably expect 3.3-3.5k. Males only draw about 3.8k and thats with NS included.

Damn... I really thought it'll be more though since it is for and Engineer role. But yeah, I have a friend who works at MOM whom offered him 3.4K basic. So I guess in some way the range should fall around there.
Thought i would have a chance with my last drawn salary using my mere 1 year experience as a bargaining chip HAHAHAHA 😂

Thanks again for your reply!

zero_88 24-08-2020 01:58 AM

if I apply for DXO, from unrelated field like app developer

will I get a paycut? assuming my salary is 4.4k now

Unregistered 24-08-2020 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by zero_88 (Post 144383)
if I apply for DXO, from unrelated field like app developer

will I get a paycut? assuming my salary is 4.4k now

Most ppl want to go from public sector to consulting. You in Accenture still want to come public sector?

Unregistered 25-08-2020 11:45 AM

Hi there,

I have just joined SB recently and I would like to check what is the percentage increment for grade C, Grade C+ and Grade B.

Thank you!

Unregistered 15-09-2020 06:06 PM

hi there, during pre employment medical check up the doc noticed that my BP is a bit high. Will it affect the job application?

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