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Unregistered 11-10-2021 09:54 PM

I had received a phonecall that there will be 1st interview next week. However, i checked career@gov and the current status is unsuccessful. So do you think that i have a lower chance of getting the next round and they might have their own candidate.

Did anyone experience the same thing before?

Unregistered 11-10-2021 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 184841)
hahah maybe we applied for the same role. Gotta say they are extremely slow in getting back man, really demoralising and losing hope every single day.

Did you receive any updates? I've more or less given up hope

Unregistered 11-10-2021 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 185917)
Did you receive any updates? I've more or less given up hope

yup they called me

Unregistered 11-10-2021 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 185918)
yup they called me

Ah that's great to hear. I applied on 19th Aug for a Comms role and you?

Unregistered 12-10-2021 09:59 AM

Anyone also feel that the revamped careergov website is more complicated to apply for jobs?

Unregistered 12-10-2021 10:30 AM

yes...more complicated

Unregistered 12-10-2021 10:48 AM

Dunno who is the smart Alec leading the transformation project for the career gov job portal.

Unregistered 12-10-2021 01:12 PM

Is everyone able to see your previous applications on the new careers@gov portal? many of my applications are missing/not reflected even after the data migration.

Unregistered 12-10-2021 01:27 PM

Is it me or does it take longer to filter selections? And I can’t open new tabs

Unregistered 14-10-2021 01:43 AM

Hi guys, got an verbal offer for an internship with govtech but haven’t gotten the written agreement . Just to check,
1. How long does the background check take usually
2. What are the odds that they renege their offer

A bit worried, since I don’t want to reject other interviews, then end up get reneged. Thanks!

Unregistered 15-10-2021 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 186209)
Hi guys, got an verbal offer for an internship with govtech but haven’t gotten the written agreement . Just to check,
1. How long does the background check take usually
2. What are the odds that they renege their offer

A bit worried, since I don’t want to reject other interviews, then end up get reneged. Thanks!

cannot wait then better have backupnplans

Unregistered 15-10-2021 02:04 PM

Hi guys, i have a qn.In feb i went for an interim interview for job A. But after a few months there were no reply. So i have decided to email them and they said they will not further process my application. I applied for another job post under the same SB and i was given a final interview instead. They asked me for my transcript and also to complete a declaration form.

What can i expect from a final interview?

Unregistered 15-10-2021 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 186477)
Hi guys, i have a qn.In feb i went for an interim interview for job A. But after a few months there were no reply. So i have decided to email them and they said they will not further process my application. I applied for another job post under the same SB and i was given a final interview instead. They asked me for my transcript and also to complete a declaration form.

What can i expect from a final interview?

see whether you are a worker bee type or a visionary.

Unregistered 16-10-2021 09:56 AM

First interview
I did my first interview a few days ago. So far the HR emailed me the next day and said they will review my application further. It also stated that an officer from a department will call me in the next few days to tell me more about the job-scope. HR also requested for my latest payslip photo and expected salary. So from the email itself does it tell that they are keen on my application?

Unregistered 16-10-2021 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 186571)
see whether you are a worker bee type or a visionary.

Alright. Because i am quite nervous though for the final interview. Just hopefully I don’t screw up the final interview.

Unregistered 16-10-2021 01:18 PM

Application timeline for SB
Hi guys, this post came kind of late, I have started my new job awhile back in a technology Statboard.
Would like to contribute my part for my application timeline:

Mid May : Applied for the position through career@gov
+ 1 week: Received a call from HR for a scheduled interview
+ 1 week: Interview session with hiring manager & director
+ 2 days: Received a call from HR stating interest and verbal offer
+ 8 weeks: Received security clearance approval and received the formal offer letter

Took around 2-3 weeks from application > interview > verbal offer.
After verbal offer, waited another 8 weeks for security clearance to get the formal offer letter.

Unregistered 16-10-2021 01:43 PM


Im sure we all know what happened this week. Especially to the people that I’m addressing. Multiple rumoured deaths by suicide occured and disappointingly, there was no attempt at communication of any sort towards the rest of the resident body to address this rumour/incident. It’s like the management team of PGP is jaded over the deaths of students… “It’s just another death, we don’t really care, nothing will happen if this doesn’t get leaked to the press”… is the kind of attitude we perceive from you.

Many of us were affected by it in various capacities. Can you imagine staying in the first floor and the trauma of having to witness the incident first-hand? What about those who witnessed it from the other blocks that surrounds the courtyard? How does the neighbour of the deceased feel? Does the emotions, thoughts and wellbeing of anybody matter to you? Or are you simply obsessed with keeping the name and reputation of NUS up in the high?

Unregistered 16-10-2021 07:17 PM

Hi guys

Need serious advice here - i was given a verbal offer by an agency in civil service, but before signing the official letter, they wanted me to provide my current organization’s HR contact to get some information from (presumably my security clearance and medical records). However, this means that my HR will know in advance that I am looking elsewhere and is very likely to inform my current boss of this. In addition, what if the agency reneges on the offer subsequently? I will end up in a situation where HR and my bosses know of my intention to leave the organization but without a job secured. This will jeopardize my future and my career with my organization

Should I talk to the agency’s HR and let them know my uneasiness on this

Unregistered 17-10-2021 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 186650)
Hi guys, this post came kind of late, I have started my new job awhile back in a technology Statboard.
Would like to contribute my part for my application timeline:

Mid May : Applied for the position through career@gov
+ 1 week: Received a call from HR for a scheduled interview
+ 1 week: Interview session with hiring manager & director
+ 2 days: Received a call from HR stating interest and verbal offer
+ 8 weeks: Received security clearance approval and received the formal offer letter

Took around 2-3 weeks from application > interview > verbal offer.
After verbal offer, waited another 8 weeks for security clearance to get the formal offer letter.

I also waiting for technology statboard.. r u fresh grad?.. got offer u ard $4k?

Unregistered 17-10-2021 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 186723)
I also waiting for technology statboard.. r u fresh grad?.. got offer u ard $4k?

OP here. I'm not a fresh grad, have been working for some years in the industry.
Goodluck for your application!

Unregistered 17-10-2021 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 183197)
What are the chances that application status in process translate to interview? I put in 2 application, it went to in process but then become unsuccessful after a very long period. Demoralised.

OP here. finally landed a job. Here's the timeline for my application

Early Sep: Put in application
+3 Weeks - First interview
+2 Weeks - 2nd Interview
+3 days - Informed selected, salary nego, verbal offer over about 3 days
+ 4 days - Contract signing

Unregistered 17-10-2021 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 186825)
OP here. finally landed a job. Here's the timeline for my application

Early Sep: Put in application
+3 Weeks - First interview
+2 Weeks - 2nd Interview
+3 days - Informed selected, salary nego, verbal offer over about 3 days
+ 4 days - Contract signing

Congrats! May I know which agency/ministry did you apply to and are you a fresh grad or mid career applicant? Thanks!

Unregistered 18-10-2021 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 186826)
Congrats! May I know which agency/ministry did you apply to and are you a fresh grad or mid career applicant? Thanks!

Hi I'm a mid career applicant. Applied for stat board.

Unregistered 19-10-2021 09:50 AM

Hi all, finally the verbal offer came.. from a tech stat board, im a diploma holder with private degree, and was shocked when salary offered was abt 50% more my current salary.. overall process took very2 long, but im not a rush though.. now im in a dilemma cos i wanted to keep my 13mth year end bonus.. need to ask them if i can start work next year though..

Unregistered 19-10-2021 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 187043)
Hi all, finally the verbal offer came.. from a tech stat board, im a diploma holder with private degree, and was shocked when salary offered was abt 50% more my current salary.. overall process took very2 long, but im not a rush though.. now im in a dilemma cos i wanted to keep my 13mth year end bonus.. need to ask them if i can start work next year though..

What's the offered monthly salary? Sounds like you were underpaid in your previous role.

Unregistered 20-10-2021 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 187043)
Hi all, finally the verbal offer came.. from a tech stat board, im a diploma holder with private degree, and was shocked when salary offered was abt 50% more my current salary.. overall process took very2 long, but im not a rush though.. now im in a dilemma cos i wanted to keep my 13mth year end bonus.. need to ask them if i can start work next year though..

Congratz, did you choose to do a transfer or quit n join in order to get the salary offer

Unregistered 21-10-2021 08:25 PM

career @/gov portal
Hi has anyone faced this situation before?

I have an interview with the dept in a few days time but i just received an email a few days from the HR (via careers@gov) saying my application is unsuccessful.. a bit strange since i have not even gone for the interview and even stranger that the rejection message is not automated from careers@gov, it was signed off by the company HR.

has anyone faced this situation before or is it a common thing?

Unregistered 21-10-2021 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 187377)
Hi has anyone faced this situation before?

I have an interview with the dept in a few days time but i just received an email a few days from the HR (via careers@gov) saying my application is unsuccessful.. a bit strange since i have not even gone for the interview and even stranger that the rejection message is not automated from careers@gov, it was signed off by the company HR.

has anyone faced this situation before or is it a common thing?

sorry i meant, it is the standard rejection email format*

Unregistered 21-10-2021 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 187377)
Hi has anyone faced this situation before?

I have an interview with the dept in a few days time but i just received an email a few days from the HR (via careers@gov) saying my application is unsuccessful.. a bit strange since i have not even gone for the interview and even stranger that the rejection message is not automated from careers@gov, it was signed off by the company HR.

has anyone faced this situation before or is it a common thing?

I have faced twice in this scenario. Both was automated email received after verbal offer from both SB. 1 of the HR did called and inform me to ignore as it was the system error.
I guess if you are worried, no harm reaching out to the HR for clarification. Most probably would be some error in their automated system. All the best!

Unregistered 22-10-2021 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 186477)
Hi guys, i have a qn.In feb i went for an interim interview for job A. But after a few months there were no reply. So i have decided to email them and they said they will not further process my application. I applied for another job post under the same SB and i was given a final interview instead. They asked me for my transcript and also to complete a declaration form.

What can i expect from a final interview?

OP here. Got a call from HR the day after the final interview and they are keen to further process my application. Requested to fill up medical questionnaire and also consent for reference call. Usually how long does it take for them to get back?

Unregistered 22-10-2021 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 187440)
OP here. Got a call from HR the day after the final interview and they are keen to further process my application. Requested to fill up medical questionnaire and also consent for reference call. Usually how long does it take for them to get back?

Depends which stat board is that.. plus ur security clearance level.. the higher it is, the longer it takes.. but its almost year end leh, u in the rush to join new company and forgonur 13mth bonus??.. wasted..

Unregistered 22-10-2021 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 187043)
Hi all, finally the verbal offer came.. from a tech stat board, im a diploma holder with private degree, and was shocked when salary offered was abt 50% more my current salary.. overall process took very2 long, but im not a rush though.. now im in a dilemma cos i wanted to keep my 13mth year end bonus.. need to ask them if i can start work next year though..

Lol fkin small time mentality sia. People give you 50% increment you still want to hiam the AWS. Can go eat dung and stay in your hole la.

Unregistered 23-10-2021 04:48 PM

Medical check up
Hi friends, I went for a medical check up earlier and can I check if they will let us know on the outcome? I.e will they let us know if we have any health issue or will it be just kept confidential? Also have there been circumstances where ppl fail medical check up (the company just radio silent after medical?) Really appreciate your response, thank you

Unregistered 26-10-2021 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 187460)
Depends which stat board is that.. plus ur security clearance level.. the higher it is, the longer it takes.. but its almost year end leh, u in the rush to join new company and forgonur 13mth bonus??.. wasted..

Some companies don't give AWS.

Unregistered 26-10-2021 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 188013)
Some companies don't give AWS.

Most private companies don't

Unregistered 27-10-2021 06:57 PM

Hr ask me submit passport photo, is this good news?

Unregistered 27-10-2021 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 188208)
Hr ask me submit passport photo, is this good news?

I've been asked for passport photo and was not shortlisted in the end. My current job I've also been asked for passport photo from HR before the final interview. Got selected in the end.

Sorry I know my repliy don't help much. Maybe it doesn't mean anything?

Unregistered 27-10-2021 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 188210)
I've been asked for passport photo and was not shortlisted in the end. My current job I've also been asked for passport photo from HR before the final interview. Got selected in the end.

Sorry I know my repliy don't help much. Maybe it doesn't mean anything?

guys nowadays signing the offer letter is done over scan/email or must go down physically to sign?

Unregistered 27-10-2021 09:50 PM

Hi is anyone facing issues with Careers@Gov portal?

It loads ultra slowly despite using different browsers/ internet connections. I'm unable to send applications . Have emailed the tech team but just wanted to find out if its my computer problem or anyone else facing this issue too?

Unregistered 27-10-2021 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 188210)
I've been asked for passport photo and was not shortlisted in the end. My current job I've also been asked for passport photo from HR before the final interview. Got selected in the end.

Sorry I know my repliy don't help much. Maybe it doesn't mean anything?

Thats y i dont waste money give them photo, just say forget, if confirm selected then i bring photo

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