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Unregistered 20-08-2021 01:22 PM

for CS, how many months of your past salary do they ask for when crafting the offer? the standard 3 months?

reason i'm asking is that I recently got promoted (3 months ago) and I hope they take that into consideration. Also my bonus is also there in the last three months, so will they take my annual compensation into consideration or only monthly?

recently jo teo said employers cant ask candidates to showpast payslip. Any difference since then?

Unregistered 20-08-2021 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 180547)
for CS, how many months of your past salary do they ask for when crafting the offer? the standard 3 months?

reason i'm asking is that I recently got promoted (3 months ago) and I hope they take that into consideration. Also my bonus is also there in the last three months, so will they take my annual compensation into consideration or only monthly?

recently jo teo said employers cant ask candidates to showpast payslip. Any difference since then?

Mine didn’t ask for payslip, but did ask about last drawn.

Unregistered 20-08-2021 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 180599)
Mine didn’t ask for payslip, but did ask about last drawn.

they didnt ask for bonus?
and they try to match annual or just match monthly pay?

Unregistered 21-08-2021 10:23 PM

Interview at SLA
Anyone went for this recently? Any replies from HR?

Unregistered 04-09-2021 03:37 PM

Hi guys, has anyone tendered resignation in a SB/Ministry within one month due to job unsuitability? Any repercussions for next employment if one is still keen to work in public sector? TIA.

Unregistered 07-09-2021 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 182087)
Hi guys, has anyone tendered resignation in a SB/Ministry within one month due to job unsuitability? Any repercussions for next employment if one is still keen to work in public sector? TIA.

Hey guys, I'm curious about this too as I have an impending offer from a Min and am in the midst of an interview process with another SB which I'm quite keen to take up on.

Would I be blacklisted if I take on the Min offer and leave within a month?

Appreciate your advice. TIA!

Unregistered 08-09-2021 11:16 AM

Is it normal for checks to be 3-4 mths long?.. last time i submited G50 was in Jul

Unregistered 08-09-2021 11:54 AM

If you have not accepted the Ministry’s offer, I think the process is still reversible?


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 182364)
Hey guys, I'm curious about this too as I have an impending offer from a Min and am in the midst of an interview process with another SB which I'm quite keen to take up on.

Would I be blacklisted if I take on the Min offer and leave within a month?

Appreciate your advice. TIA!

Unregistered 08-09-2021 05:32 PM

Hi, does anyone know how long does MCCY usually take to call up candidates after applications close?

Unregistered 08-09-2021 09:57 PM

Got an offer at 35% paycut. Do they really expect people to accept or are they low balling for fun?
I had thought that hr could have screened out applicants who they know the cut will be so significant.

Unregistered 08-09-2021 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 182439)
Got an offer at 35% paycut. Do they really expect people to accept or are they low balling for fun?
I had thought that hr could have screened out applicants who they know the cut will be so significant.

Did they ask your last drawn and package?

Unregistered 09-09-2021 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 182445)
Did they ask your last drawn and package?

She didn't ask to submit payslip, but told me that she knows won't be able to match based on my qualifications and experience. And that civil service pay scale is different from private but still.. Its easily a difference of 50k in annual salary.

Unregistered 09-09-2021 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 182476)
She didn't ask to submit payslip, but told me that she knows won't be able to match based on my qualifications and experience. And that civil service pay scale is different from private but still.. Its easily a difference of 50k in annual salary.

too huge of a paycut. i think they not enough to pay you. I suggest to go find other jobs.

Unregistered 09-09-2021 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 182484)
too huge of a paycut. i think they not enough to pay you. I suggest to go find other jobs.

Yeah I was thinking too that it doesn't make sense to take unless I'm unemployed. Just disappointing after going through all the interviews.

Unregistered 09-09-2021 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 182485)
Yeah I was thinking too that it doesn't make sense to take unless I'm unemployed. Just disappointing after going through all the interviews.

what is the level that you applied for? AD? DD?

Unregistered 10-09-2021 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 182485)
Yeah I was thinking too that it doesn't make sense to take unless I'm unemployed. Just disappointing after going through all the interviews.

Many have the misconception that they can chiong in private sector then switch to civil service to get similar compensation. You don't - especially if you are an above average performer in the private sector, chances are you will probably be better of staying. Yes civil service is stable but theres always going to be a tradeoff.

Unregistered 10-09-2021 10:59 AM

Anybody has any idea the compensation package for AGO Finance Executive Program?

Unregistered 10-09-2021 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 175361)
Anyone applied for govtech and has heard back from their security clearance within two weeks?

I just finished a govtech interview final round reccently. Anyone knows typically how long it takes to get offer/ verbal offer after the final round?

Unregistered 10-09-2021 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 182485)
Yeah I was thinking too that it doesn't make sense to take unless I'm unemployed. Just disappointing after going through all the interviews.

50K less annually? how much are you making now and how much are they offering?
this is seriously too much of a paycut to absorb
the govt should seriously reconsider if they want to get good people in

Unregistered 10-09-2021 09:53 PM

Anyone knows what is the typical timeline I should expect to hear back from HTX after an interview if successful?

Unregistered 11-09-2021 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 182609)
Anyone knows what is the typical timeline I should expect to hear back from HTX after an interview if successful?

I got call next day after 2nd interview saying they want to proceed further.. but until now still no news.. last heard from them was in Jul.. i tried email once but no reply.. dunno they still keen or not or gone already.. i do saw some post say need 2-3 months at least

Unregistered 11-09-2021 10:05 AM

Anyone knows?


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 182425)
Hi, does anyone know how long does MCCY usually take to call up candidates after applications close?

Unregistered 11-09-2021 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 182577)
50K less annually? how much are you making now and how much are they offering?
this is seriously too much of a paycut to absorb
the govt should seriously reconsider if they want to get good people in

160k, offered at 110k. I reckon that the position may be too junior since its not always obvious based on job position, but I thought in that case hr would have known, vs behaving now that it's just my expectation is too high. Guess it's also luck for the hr I met.

I have 15y+ work exp, so it's not that I'm some young high flier earning alot in early 30s.

Unregistered 11-09-2021 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 182626)
I got call next day after 2nd interview saying they want to proceed further.. but until now still no news.. last heard from them was in Jul.. i tried email once but no reply.. dunno they still keen or not or gone already.. i do saw some post say need 2-3 months at least

Wow ok that's fast. I heard nothing for more than a week already, so I guess prob failed it.
For you, prob still clearing security checks since hr has already confirmed they will proceed. They said

Unregistered 15-09-2021 07:19 PM

Status In Process
What are the chances that application status in process translate to interview? I put in 2 application, it went to in process but then become unsuccessful after a very long period. Demoralised.

Unregistered 15-09-2021 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 183197)
What are the chances that application status in process translate to interview? I put in 2 application, it went to in process but then become unsuccessful after a very long period. Demoralised.

I still have application that since in process since last year. If there is no call or email for interview after one month from date of applications. Just take it as unsuccessful. Usually the person who update the system is busy or lazy.

Waitinggame 17-09-2021 11:52 AM

Job application time line
I applied for a job at a stat board (rlated to trade min), timeline as below.
I wonder what's taking so long. Still staying hopeful tho. Just wanted to share here!

Mid july - submit application
Mid august - received news of first interview

17 august - 1st interview
18 August - hr called to arrange for peer session
19 august - peer session

End aug - didn't hear back from Hr. Dropped an email, HR called to discuss concerns about salary, that it may not match my current pay/ expectations. Shared that i am open to discussion.
Next day - received news for 3rd interview

5 sept - final interview
13 sept - no news, dropped an email, HR called next day to inform still processing and doing clearance, adding that the comments were positive.

Hopefully things will turn out well. fingers crossed!
Either that or its clear that the salary offer may not even be able to meet halfway with expected salary.

Unregistered 17-09-2021 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 177531)
Hi all, just wondering if anyone has any review of WSG in general. TIA!

slow to move things in general. will not recommend.

Unregistered 17-09-2021 01:00 PM

Do all SB/Ministries require the medical checkup + G50 clearance or is it just the selective few that are more "secretive" or needs to be physically fit?

Unregistered 17-09-2021 01:56 PM

Rude user

Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 161138)
I never say you useless, I say your degree.

You degree have no emotion, so I can't be polite or rude to your degree.

But YOU CALLING ME RUDE AND ACCUSING ME OF BEING RUDE, now that is just plain rude.

Happened to come across this on forum. This comment alone reflects how successful your "useful" degree has taught you in appreciating diversity and interdisciplinary perspectives. Which is so important in today's world.

Unregistered 20-09-2021 02:15 PM

Iras job interview (tax officer 1 year contract)
How long is the timeline from first video interview to acceptance? How long does iras get back to us?

Also, if we reject their video interview(due to personal circumstances), does it mean we will not get any interviews from iras for all their positions anymore? Aka blacklisted

Unregistered 21-09-2021 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 183637)
How long is the timeline from first video interview to acceptance? How long does iras get back to us?

Also, if we reject their video interview(due to personal circumstances), does it mean we will not get any interviews from iras for all their positions anymore? Aka blacklisted

Usually 1/2 weeks after video interview and assessments (if any), then maybe 1/2 more interviews but there will be a panel interview.

Turnover at IRAS is quite high, esp for valuers, so they are usually hiring on a rolling basis. If you don't hear back after 2 weeks I think it's safe to say you've been rejected.

All the best!

Unregistered 21-09-2021 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 183705)
Usually 1/2 weeks after video interview and assessments (if any), then maybe 1/2 more interviews but there will be a panel interview.

Turnover at IRAS is quite high, esp for valuers, so they are usually hiring on a rolling basis. If you don't hear back after 2 weeks I think it's safe to say you've been rejected.

All the best!

I applied for property tax division (tax officer) with 1 year contract. May i know if the turnover is high?

There is more than 1 Interview for this position too?

Unregistered 21-09-2021 01:27 PM

Also, if we reject IRAS video interview(due to personal circumstances), does it mean we will not get any interviews from iras for all their positions anymore? Aka blacklisted

Anyone have any insights?

Unregistered 25-09-2021 07:54 PM

Is there aws for contract position at IRAS?

Unregistered 29-09-2021 01:11 PM

How long does CAAS take to contact after submitting my application? Been two weeks but have not heard from them, no update of status in C@G too

Unregistered 30-09-2021 02:00 AM

Recently applied tor a civilian role with CNB in mid Aug. It has been 6 weeks, nothing from them yet. Anyone knows how long CNB (or any of the home team department under MHA) usually take before they get in touch ?

Unregistered 30-09-2021 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 184743)
Recently applied tor a civilian role with CNB in mid Aug. It has been 6 weeks, nothing from them yet. Anyone knows how long CNB (or any of the home team department under MHA) usually take before they get in touch ?

Same, applied to CNB. Status on C@G shows in process but no updates. I have another which says shortlisted but no emails or calls too

Unregistered 30-09-2021 08:39 PM

anyone had any insights on the hiring process with WSG?

Unregistered 30-09-2021 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 184784)
Same, applied to CNB. Status on C@G shows in process but no updates. I have another which says shortlisted but no emails or calls too

hahah maybe we applied for the same role. Gotta say they are extremely slow in getting back man, really demoralising and losing hope every single day.

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