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Unregistered 18-03-2024 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 271408)
First time seeing a graduate programme a failure:

I have seen other companies graduate programmes and I have seen them training their fresh analysts so well where they have a proper progression in their pay and promotion. Accenture followed and implemented TAP. Attracted so many young talents (aka us) and in the end, they are all doing testings, saikangs and **** - Barely any hard/soft skills. Now we are stuck here because market is bad and they are constantly promising us. Also, not promoting people. Knn stay 2 years here still analyst. Fku mark.

Also, I remember our insurance policy changing from GE to Raffles. Marks says I am doing it for you so you can enjoy the benefits and live better. What the fk? Bro, this insurance upgrade you also benefitting as well. Not just is employees. Aka, you are improving the insurance for yourself and your other clown leaderships. I hate it when they say **** like this.

Not happy can always leave?
2 years later still L11 analyst? Maybe you are the problem not the firm bro

Unregistered 18-03-2024 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 271416)
Not happy can always leave?
2 years later still L11 analyst? Maybe you are the problem not the firm bro

Na mate. I don't think the user is the problem. There were a lot of people that are overdue for promotions.

Also, it is not about just leaving. Like the user said, job market is bad now. User is prolly warning the future potential hires on the firm being a scam lel.

Unregistered 18-03-2024 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 271413)
Good what. Means her last drawn will be higher. Help her to get new job also.
Don’t be salty. Even if she don’t get fast tracked promoted, it probably won’t be you to get promoted.

No one trying to be salty here dk why u sound so offended and not sure what are u driving at. Just by looking at her LinkedIn profile, aldy know she got zero technical skills. No certifications at all. Under the TAP programme but fast track all the way with zero tech skills makes one wonder if she really possess the skills required in her programme to be eligible for fast track promotion despite ACN having a difficult year with limited promotion head count and the fast track promotion criteria, and of course if her promotion is linked to connections then it wouldn't be fair to the rest of the candidates that actually possess both the soft and tech skills.

Unregistered 18-03-2024 06:53 PM

Hi all, just tendered my resignation not long ago as a CL10. I have come to realize that this firm is not a good place for one that is serious to build up a technical portfolio of industry valuable skillsets, rather it is more of an environment that only cares about output and profits over the development of their own employees.

Over the course of projects, I've witnessed a handful of deserving colleagues putting in their best only to be under appreciated and shortchanged at the end of the day, which some cases upper management exploits these traits to squeeze even more out of them. Likewise, there are a notorious few which incapacitates productivity of the team constantly, everyone sees it yet nothing is done - Client delivery is all that matters isn't it, who gives a **** if who does more or does nothing?

Townhall with MT has been nothing short of a disappointment, plenty of questions by TAPPers just went unanswered and or greatly filtered though the QnA by the emcee till the main point was distorted.

To top it off, plenty of beating around the bush and gaslighting on a daily basis coupled with the fact that the dangling carrot is evidently distancing. I was a lateral hire, so my sensitivity to bs was slightly on the higher end, was convinced this wasn't the place for me. I did have high hopes for this place sadly.

Unregistered 18-03-2024 08:42 PM

Some higher ups like to throw their junior analysts and sa under the bus when got problem, and LMAO when the work all done by the analysts and senior analysts, the Cs like to say until they did the work themselves. Good things put to own name, bad things throw to juniors. Like bro wtf what a snake. These kind are those who get fast track promotion and fking boastful about it when they aren’t that amazing to begin with

Unregistered 18-03-2024 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 271500)
Some higher ups like to throw their junior analysts and sa under the bus when got problem, and LMAO when the work all done by the analysts and senior analysts, the Cs like to say until they did the work themselves. Good things put to own name, bad things throw to juniors. Like bro wtf what a snake. These kind are those who get fast track promotion and fking boastful about it when they aren’t that amazing to begin with

I tell you a lot of consultants are like this one. Especially those on H&PS projects, beware of such snakes man.

Unregistered 18-03-2024 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 271502)
I tell you a lot of consultants are like this one. Especially those on H&PS projects, beware of such snakes man.

That’s why everyone say to avoid h&ps projects specially BT, ACRA, IRAS, Mindef all those. Don’t even think they sell the project at a good price eh just look all these names are those projects with problems

Unregistered 18-03-2024 09:53 PM

You stay here long enough you’ll realise those with domineering and influential people lead tend to have easier promotions, can be fast track or on time.

Unregistered 18-03-2024 10:03 PM

How's the annual comp for technical role with 3 YoE? Got at least 100k?

Unregistered 18-03-2024 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 271412)
She may be good but is she good enough to qualify for fast track promo twice? What skills set does she have to achieve the above? Por the manager gao gao lo

maybe she offer other "service" you dk bro....

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