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Unregistered 06-01-2015 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 60902)
I am currently working in a terrible environment with temptation to quit everyday. But seeing these posts, will need to hold on till I can get another job..

exactly the same scenario here...but i told myself i will quit soon, if not i'll get too 'comfortable' in my current job and be stuck here for life...

Headaches 06-01-2015 09:21 PM

Currently, I work in a ministry, MX12.
I have 2 main job scopes which consists of handling 600 clients and different centres. In addition, I have to handle CCA and projects. Once I cleared a project, my boss will load me another project.
I cant even rest properly when I am on MC because I have no covering officer.
Because I have no covering officer, I hesitant to go for vacation leaves. Recently, I keep having headaches when I come back home from work.
I really want to quit my job but I havent found a new job. Is there anyone facing the same issues as me? Is this a norm when you work in a ministry?

Unregistered 06-01-2015 11:09 PM

Sound familiar in my private sector job.

My covering officer was only on paper (usually it was my boss) and there is no one to clear my work when I was on MC or leave -The work just pile up. Like you, I was worried about work when I was sick or on leave. When I was sick, I would come to work in the morning and take MC in the afternoon. The work is so overwhelming that I had to work late and come back on weekends. As such, it is very difficult to take leave as well.

When I sleep, I will dream about work and wake up at around 4am in the morning thinking of impending work. I dread going to work in the morning. The colleagues were very combative and unhelpful. The office politics between departments was severe.

I never know the work is so shitty until I am on the job. Then I discovered that the turnover rate is so high as well.

Finally, I decided that health is more important so I resigned.

My advice to you is leave if the work is affecting your health. Otherwise, endure and endure and keep a look out for other jobs, or try internal transfer.

Unregistered 07-01-2015 07:49 AM

Caught between a hard place and a rock
It is no fun being in a difficult work environment and performing a dreadful job. The temptation to just quit can be overwhelming, especially when one is facing health issues brought on by work stress.

However, before quitting, one must consider the prospect of being unemployed for some period of time. It is also no fun being unemployed, more so if you have dependents and / or loans commitment. The stress can be even higher and many unemployed also suffer from depression and harbour suicidal thoughts.

So, before quitting, try and get another job first, or ensure you have enough savings for a premature retirement. I have friends who quit the jobs they hated before landing another job, and are now "forced" to accept that they may consider themselves as retired - after more than 3 years of frantic job search.

And for those who really cannot stand their jobs, I would urge you to visit to read the plights of people who quit or lost their jobs for one reason or another and have since been unable to get back into the workforce. The toll exacted on them for being unemployed is tremendous.

Unregistered 07-01-2015 08:19 AM

mental and physical health is more important than money. if you lose one or worse, both, than life will be meaningless. if your job is causing you health issues, it is best you quit before you go crazy. don't be a slave to your job. but you will have to make sacrifices and changes and seek your family's understanding.

i used to be a high flying corporate executive, travelling the world, jetting here and there. i enjoyed the high life until it took a toll on me. i had developed a medical condition which was due to my job life style.

it was a wake up call. i had a long discussion with my wife and family members. they urged me to quit immediately and they were willing to make some sacrifices as they love me dearly. so i quit. we sold our terrace house which was worth a fortune, paid off the loan and we downgraded to a penthouse condo which is half the size of our previous house. we got used to it by now. today, i run a small business which is a lot easier to manage and i am very happy. my health improved and best of all we are debt free. i am able to even save more than previously as i realised that i spent a lot eve though i earned a lot. i quit my expensive bad habits too.

Unregistered 07-01-2015 04:34 PM

Back with an update. I posted earlier being jobless and finally I have land myself a job!! Been jobless since the first week of sept 2014 and after weeks of spamming of resume and to afew interviews finally land myself a job! Pen to paper on late December. Stsrting soon.

So to those who are still finding job, be persistent and eventually will be rewarded and to those who harbor tots of quitting, seek n secure and job first before resigning!

Unregistered 07-01-2015 04:56 PM

more and more highly stressed executives are passing away young, in their 50s and 60s.

if you have serious health issue related to your work lifestyle, better quit before you die early. or else all your CPF savings will just be enjoyed by your wife and chidlren.

Headaches 07-01-2015 06:50 PM

Thanks for all the above posts. I feel better now and am motivated to continue my work while l look out for new opportunities. I just try my best to do my work and adopt a heck care attitude.
But it seems that all the workplaces are the same. It is just a merry go around. People quit and you take over their ****, while people take over your ****.

Headaches 07-01-2015 06:52 PM

Thanks for all the above posts. I feel better now and am motivated to continue my work while l look out for new opportunities. I just try my best to do my work and adopt a heck care attitude.
But it seems that all the workplaces are the same. It is just a merry go around. People quit and you take over their work while people take over your shi tty work.

Unregistered 07-01-2015 10:45 PM

People die young because of recklessness not because of hard work. The number of people dying young in developed countries is at record lows while the number of people living longer is increasing. More and more are living beyond 75, and most do not have enough savings.

Instead of leaving something behind for their loved ones, they became burdens for them. They quit their jobs early to selfishly enjoy themselves without regard for their old age needs.


Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 61087)
more and more highly stressed executives are passing away young, in their 50s and 60s.

if you have serious health issue related to your work lifestyle, better quit before you die early. or else all your CPF savings will just be enjoyed by your wife and chidlren.

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