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  #1331 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2016, 11:27 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
thanks for all the encouragement.

i guess im just mentally exhausted of constantly going through the same thing over and over again. like, i know i have to keep moving on, i know i have to get back up and fight, i know what i should do. but sometimes its not that i dont want to motivate myself up, it's just... tiring. not sure if you guys get what i mean. and yeah, started to doubt myself and all as well, getting annoyed at every single thing.

actually, im going overseas from 5-22jun, and since the beginning of the sem, i just wanted to clinch a job before leaving, or at least an offer. but i still can't just get that one single offer, only constant rejections. and after each rejection, i tell myself its okay, get back up and move forward. but yesterday's one was bad.. i guess because it was the odds, like 5 choose 4, and im the 1 who didnt get chosen. so it really makes me question everything that im doing, and doubting myself as well. but i guess it's a 50-50 thing, in a sense that my mindset was 'tired' and i didnt really give my best there. and the 3 interviewers i had were actually grilling me quite badly. bad luck. seems like its 20% hard work, 80% luck.

but with all that being said, i believe it's all a matter of time. im sorry that i emitting negative energy out here, but thank you all for your support. i'll be fine soon
There is a high % of luck involved in getting selected for an interview but once you are in the room, the % of luck vs aptitude drastically swings the other way. If you keep thinking it is bad luck that you didn't ace the interview, you will never be able to improve on your subsequent ones.

You need to stop being negative and stop blaming it on luck and instead look at how you can improve yourself in interviews.

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