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  #86 (permalink)  
Old 15-01-2016, 09:22 AM
Posts: n/a

I guess I'm being shown a more accurate picture. Or we are not considering the percentages of those getting BB FO within their group, one being Ivy and another being local >3.8 GPA.

Recruitment, and you'll soon find out in most things in work, is a percentages game. You can only push the percentages in your favor but the percentage doesn't go to 1. Harvard, 4.0 GPA, impressive CCAs but with a lousy attitude or lack of personality, the MD across the table can't imagine him rocking the show with the associates.

My stance is that coming from an Ivy league school, and the other top schools (Stanford, MIT) for emphasis, has its pull in pushing the numbers in your favor. And I haven't yet talk about other factors - alumni. A team ran by Ivy League kids might want an Ivy League guy to join them. Rightly or wrongly, this is the case. This is recruitment. This is life.

So while I accept all those stories of local school grads with >3.8 GPA getting BB FO jobs, isn't it more accurate that we consider how many such grads applied. For this group, maybe only 10% got the penultimate interview. If you're from Ivy League, you'll have a 50%. Then yes, it'll all up to you now.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
No. Health sciences referring to pharmacy or nursing? 4.8 CAP nus pharmacy student should be able to secure a penulti internship interview with most BBs,
I find this hard to believe. Linkedin was raised up and I stalked such profiles. Never once I saw a BB FO banker with a pharmacy or nursing major. I'm serious.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Their tests are rigourous enough to filter out the people they really want, not just taking in someone because he has an ivy league sch on their resume, or discounting someone who is smart but went to a local university.
Agreed. And in the US, they call it Superday. My point is out of those who came from a local university, how many got the penultimate interview.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I'm not saying its easy either way, but people are creating illusions that being in an ivy league is such a high BTE that the smart people in local unis find incredibly difficult surpass. The barrier is way lower than many ppl think.
If you really want to get technical, I'll settle it this way. Local school graduate 3.8 GPA would be equivalent to a Harvard 3.4 GPA.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I had very close friends with CAP scores ranging from 4.0 - 4.49 (second upper) from NUS getting into HSBC, MS and JPM FO IB.
Again, percentages. Your friends from NUS now at HSBC, MS and JPM FO IB came from their pool of say 500 applicants graduating from local schools. Those Ivy leaguers out number them by a factor of 3 and came from their pool of say 100 applicants. I know, it sounds like GMAT. Basically, if you're from an Ivy League, you're a rarer commodity which gets selected more.

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