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  #4134 (permalink)  
Old 22-04-2014, 02:33 PM
Posts: n/a

When you are wealthy, you have options. You can retire in a high end private nursing home and not in those where the care givers throw you around.

When you are poor, and your children are also struggling to feed themselves you know where you will still end up. Those old folks home where your children dont visit and dont even pay for your stay. I am sure you have also read of successful people who neglected their aged parents.

What would be more painful? To be abused by a stranger or by your own children? You do know about the Maintenance of Parents Act or dont you? You know why there is such a bill? Dont kid yourself. Dont depend on anybody.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
If you have a child, you have a 50% probability of being taken care of when old. If you have 2 kids, your probability increases. If you have no kids, you have zero probability.

Don't think living in a nursing home is that great. You hear of cases where the old folks are abused and these poor folks who are senile suffer in silence.

Good luck to you if you think your wealth will suffice for you in your old age. You will lonely, as noone really cares for you. If you have kids, there is a chance, no matter how small the chance is, that your kids will take care of you. I'm sure if you have cared for your kids and not neglected them when they are young (with the excuse of work, whereas you actually spend time clubbing and womanising), they will take care of you when you are old and senile.
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