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  #352 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2014, 08:24 PM
Posts: n/a

Hi all, I can relate to what you all are going through and I wanted to share my experience and hopefully be at least of a little help to someone.

End of 2012 graduated with a private degree (Bsc). However, I chose to join my good friend in trying out a property salesperson role. Unfortunately that did not work out for me and I decided to leave by 3rd quarter of 2013. Began searching for jobs since then and was really complacent thinking that I'll get a job through recruiting agencies. 3 months passed and I got really desperate because relatives would ask what I was doing during CNY. By then I had already checked every job ads websites, gotten a few interviews and lowering all of my expectations. I learnt how to deal with interviews the hard way and thus had very bad replies in the first few interviews. As they say, a smart man learn through his own mistakes but a wise man learn through others' mistakes. So checking and practising interviews is very important, check out information on the company and technical questions related to your job scope. By the start of 2014, I was waking up at 5-6am everyday to check the new job ads and sending in resumes directly to the company before 8am(with the mindset that when HR people check mails, my resume would be one of the first few and thus increase my chances in some way). Some interviews were really brutal and the HR people would make snide remarks at my private degree, kept trying to push me away saying all the bad terms they can only offer me even if they accept me. But I held on and replied calmly saying I know of my own qualifications and would accept as what the company deemed fit. I had sent over 10-20 resumes everyday, always checking my phone, feeling depressed after all the bad interviews. Then I finally got one offer after 6 months, the terms weren't good but hey, I can't complain since I do not have solid working experience and it was still related to my own field that I studied. I contemplated awhile but accepted it and I felt that the working experience would be good nonetheless, especially when company-hopping in the future.

PS: The company that offered me was the one that the HR people made a lot of snide remarks at me while I replied their questions calmly with politically correct answers. I know it gets depressing, I know it gets really shitty. Your friends and family will always ask redundant questions that raise your anger level. But at the end of the day, I always tell myself there is only one solution to all of these unpleasant feelings/situations and that is getting a job. So I focused on that objective instead of negative feelings everyday.

TLDR: Your mentality is very important and if you already have previous working experience/studied so much till this point, believe in yourself. A bird does not rest on a tree branch because it believes in the branch not breaking, but because it has faith in its own wings.

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