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  #68 (permalink)  
Old 31-05-2013, 02:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I was retrenched one year ago. I was earning $6.5k a month. Luckily my wife is working and she is earning $6k a month. I managed to survive from my passive income from my condo rental which gives me $3k per month. The investment condo is fully paid up. Before the retrenchment, even though our combined income was $13.5k, our expenses were $8k a month and we saved $5.5k a month. After my retrenchment, our combined income is now $9k a month. We reviewed all our expenses and removed some luxury, unnecessary expenses and managed to trim down our expenses to $6k a month. Our savings now is lower at $3k a month. I spend a lot of time with my family, taking care of my kids and educating them good values. They also love me more and I'm actually feeling healthier and happier. I realized that having so much money but at the expense of my family is not good. I see other families who are richer but their kids don't respect their parents and these kids are wild and indulged in sins such as gambling, smoking, drinking, loose moral values.
Fantastic! The fastest way to work life balance is through passive income from property.
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