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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2013, 05:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
The reason I refused to address your likely scenerios directly is because they doesnt make sense to me and they give me a feeling that your scenerios generalise bosses as:
1) unforgiving if you dare to raise any concerns
2) sadistic in underhand tactics to force you to leave
3) only think of cost-cutting and replacing you at the next available chance
4) Low in EQ and thinks badly of employees
Yet another strawman.

We are talking about risks here, there are plenty of bad people out there. Experienced employees would have personally experienced or seen such cases occur frequently all the time. Office politics and back stabbing occur in most organizations, it is about acknowledging the risks and making a balanced assessment weighing on the chances of success before leaping in and going straight to the boss on such a sensitive topic.

You on the other hand made no mention of such corporate dangers to the freshie TS in your advice and simply brush it off as if it doesnt happen. First you accuse me of advising TS to just sit and hope, when I set out to disprove your assertions, you turn around now and switch the topic by throwing out yet another strawman that I was generalizing bosses as bad.

Indeed, if any of us have such bosses, we would be better off working somewhere. Which is why regarding my advice, I mentioned that it depends on boss, company culture, team dynamics, etc. It may be textbook to you but it worked for me and I hope it can work for others but I reiterate here now, it has to depend on boss, company culture and team dynamics. But pls do not generalise all bosses negatively. There are good ones as well as bad ones and you have to adjust your strategy accordingly.
There are good and bad people in this world. Some key undeniable facts work against the TS:

1) He is a freshie, very limited experience in corporate politics
2) He does not know his boss character well at all, only with him a couple of months
3) He is not aware of the organizational context and history in which his boss is operating in
4) Boss gave a very uncommittal answer for him to take it slow, this is strong indication that things are not what it seems

These circumstances highten the risk of him not being able to assess the situation and his boss's character accurately. You on the other hand give generic text book answer like "depend on boss, culture, dynamic". Until you are able to give him concrete pointers on how to make a good evaluation of his boss, culture and dynamic, this is useless sloganeering equivalent to the age old wisdom of "buy good stocks".
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