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  #254 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2009, 06:16 PM
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Default 4314

It's highly amusing that people like insider2 miscomprehended due to whatever understanding deficiency he may have, factual information I provided about the ranks and tiers of PSC scholarships, and the set up of the ministries and stat boards and what work is done at which level- purely factual and extremely common knowledge among literate Singaporeans- and managed to misconstrue that as "One can only succeed if one manages to bag either a SAF/SPFOS or OMS".

Which is strange. Nowhere in my posts did i say that. I said that there are ranks to the top PSC scholarships, I listed the ranks, and stat board scholarships are for PSC rejects. Facts.

All of us know that in Singapore, there are various ways to success. Examples like David Gan, Bee Cheng Hiang and Boon Tong Kee abound not only in the media, but before our very eyes. I never once said that insider2 can't find his success by selling chicken rice. Sure, if his chicken rice is as good as BTK's, he'll also make it big. Factual information about scholarship tiers and organisation set-up cannot be disproved; its in fact surprising such intuitive knowledge is not known by those who claims to be savvy or well-read.

if one isn't insecure and unsure of oneself, one wouldn't have leapt into a barrage of self-consoling and affirmative speech. You don't even need to go to the private sector as a professional, like what he so desperately promulgated in his response to me.

Any kind of skill or offering that you have that makes you the top among what you offer like David Gan or Boon Tong Kee is sufficient. So no need to keep reassuring yourself when you react to facts from me.

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