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  #171 (permalink)  
Old 30-01-2009, 12:19 PM
ronaldo's muse--
Posts: n/a
Default 3947

Pardon my need for a rebuttal actually,but going by your very flawed risk to rewards logic,you are directly associating risk of death during NS term to the total number of NSF deaths. Having just completed my NS term,I am qualifed to state that those most prone to malladies (and fatal ones at that) during NS are those who are prone to malladies in real life anyway.

Just to sidetrack a bit,wouldn't that explain that taxi drivers are getting the shorter end of the stick,since the rate of occurence of traffic accidents is so damn high?more than NSF deaths or air crashes for that matter.

They would have or wouldn't have died with or without NS. The fact that they happened to die during their NS term is purely coincidental. How many deaths have we heard of, where a soldier is crushed by a tank?or killed by a bullet?Perhaps your imaginations of NS must be mental snippets from war films.

On the contary, a physically unfit soldier dying from strenuous exercise(a long jog?SOC?)is more of a run of the mill NSF death scenario.

Surely I say to you, the number is negligible.

Foreigners (by this,I am refering to the Koreans and Taiwanese in particular) remark at how much of a joke Singaporean National Service is,because of the slew of safety measures put in place by MINDEF.

Minimal outdoor activity in event of eminent lightning activity (Cat 1 to be specific), 6-7 hours of rest during normal training. Even those prone to the dangers of being previously unfit are categorized and seperated from the pack (Pes BP and Pes A/B PTP batch) and given progressive traning.

Or maybe you were horrified at how dangerous wandering through the jungle with nothing but several packets of combat rations is.

I am not ardent fan of NS (and I don't buy that Boys to Men ****)for I lament how it interrupts my education schedule. But I will not whine lyrical with the wrong facts and attempt to raise my child a Malaysian.

If you were a Singaporean, I suspect you have not served in a combat unit. Probably got away with an imaginary disease coined by your favourite family doctor.

No wonder you do not understand the true risks of NS.

Happy New Year to you, sir.

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