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Old 20-10-2012, 11:50 PM
cbee cbee is offline
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Nice try to switch the topic. I have emphasized I think numerous times to TS (I am sure he will be glad to affirm) that chances of reaching senior levels are low and such numbers are not relfective of typical experience. My main point is to rebut your erronous assertion that MOM pay trends are reflective of only "respectable companies" and crazy stuff like 15k is the 75 percentile of a COO.

You have totally not followed up with these claims you callously put up earlier at all & instead went on to harp about "consistency" in gov service. Excuse me, we get it, gov job has better job secrutiy & fixed promotion path etc. We all know that & I doubt that is news to any layman on the street.

This lengthy write up is in response to your call earlier to back my claims up with solid data, which I have done so by providing a link to an archive of public remuneration discolusre and a sample of a Robert Walters report. Instead of either conceeding the point because of the overwhelming evidence or gathering rebutting facts & data, you choose to laugh it off by making a snide remark like "Lol. You must be very free to write such long essay." That line about sums up everything about you.
I am in the compensation consulting industry and the facts that this guy bring to the table is more accurate with my experiences. 15k monthly base is really just a senior managerial role. If 15k is the pay of any one deserving of a COO title, which we can all pretty much agree that he is probably within the top 5 highest paid in any company, he is severely underpaid, let alone 75th percentile. But I do have to point out that salary information from recruitment firms are usually slightly inflated and the manner of them gathering the data is quite dubious. But I guess it's good for just a rough idea. It would be more accurate to get compensation data from firms who specialize in such market data such as Mercer or Hay Group.

Relevant to the topic at hand though, I think a lot of people here sum up my views in pretty much the same manner. ultimately you gotta know what is your personality and how you can fit into the working culture and what you ultimately want to get from a career.

if you're a farmer, i believe CS is really just a pretty stable job. Got quite a lot of WLB one right I heard? One week working hours maybe less than 50?

if you're a scholar and you're in CS, then I guess you're bound to be earning loads.

if you're in a SME, i think it's really debatable. Some SMEs seriously cannot make it, some still alright. Probably depends on industry, your jobscope, and how you make the best out of it to launch you somewhere else.

if you're in a MNC, the pay ceiling is definitely the highest and opportunities are definitely the most bountiful assuming you have the drive and ambition to succeed.

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