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  #1958 (permalink)  
Old 29-09-2012, 03:01 PM
Hate Bankers and Lawyers
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Thumbs down Bankers and lawyers - $$$ through lies

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I agree with the post that bankers are overpaid and overrated.

Many people lost their jobs and homes because of the toxic products the sell which eventually created the the global crisis.
Bankers and lawyers are both supposed to be 'good' professions boosting economy and standard of living.

Sadly, regardless of whatever people say to defend them, Bankers and Lawyers are making money by cheating and deceiving others. I can afford to make such sweeping statements because easily 90% of the bankers and lawyers are such creatures. For those of you who are not, or wish to defend them, that is the reality.

Bankers are cheating scumbags, and lawyers are lying bastards.

That is the truth, and don't bother quoting and replying with whatever innane retort, doesn't change the fact.

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