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  #7571 (permalink)  
Old 28-06-2024, 07:46 AM
Posts: n/a

Would like to pose a question to all gps here. As we know, the medicolegal burden of clinical practice is getting higher every year (seems easier to get complaint or sued nowadays)

In gp land, cases are generally divided into
A) consult (can be acute or chronic)
B) health screening
C) medical examination (insurance, pre-employment checkups, driver licence etc)

I was thinking which of these have the highest medicolegal burden (consult, health screening or medical checkups)?
I am always thinking for e.g, if you missed a clinical finding during an insurance/pre-employment examination (e.g a breast lump/abdominal mass), can the insurance company or pt' employer come back and sue you should the pt develop cancer in the near future?(e.g within a year)

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