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  #2265 (permalink)  
Old 19-06-2024, 09:01 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
If you’re talking about outright retrenchment of “top performers” in the public service, I agree to a limited extent. From my conversations with and observation of “top performers” over the years, however, their position as they know it can be “gone” through redesignation (to a position not to their expectation) or being superseded by someone the organisation/service deems more suitable. For some, this is too much of an affront to pride and they leave. Voluntary or not, it’s debatable.

As for your example, in theory it is not incorrect. In practice, unless the company is also undergoing restructuring and/or rationalisation of headcount, a relocation need not automatically translate into your job being poof. At the very least, there will be an attempt to move you to different roles within the MNC, if we are indeed talking about “best performers”. And even if the company were to close down, a truly “best performer” with competitive skills should have no issue being headhunted for another job.

In any case, I don’t think anyone is really disputing there is more “job security” in the public sector, in the sense that employers have to jump through more hoops to rid themselves of someone they don’t like - including but not limited to picking on “performance issues” so as to make it unbearable for the employee on the receiving end. The issue which provoked responses other than mine, is that the dichotomy you drew between work in the public and private sectors in your original posts appears too rigid, and reveals the textbook views of someone who has never worked outside of the public sector.

It seems that your weakness goes beyond inability/unwillingness to listen effectively to views different from your own but also inability/unwillingness to comprehend/accept what is in plain sight (in this case, the perspectives on your two “questions” which I decline to repeat again).

Since we are (still) unable to agree to disagree, pls don’t waste your breath engaging as your starting point was not to be consultative. Read more of Ray Dalio or observe other positive examples in MAS, if it helps your learning and development.
Strange you quoted Ray Dalio, is this person supposed to be authoritative? It seems to me you prefer to speak in riddles, but that's perfectly fine; but being succinct might never have been a strength of yours
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