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  #2264 (permalink)  
Old 19-06-2024, 08:15 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I always thought DD very dua pai but realise here got a lot of DD. Like that so many 10k earners here meh? I don’t believe it. I tried to negotiate with the HR and they told me I was close to max cap for DD.
Yes, there is no standard definition of what is a DD across public service. In some agencies, DD is a big deal and will have supervisory responsibilities. In MAS, the different DD grades can range from individual contributor with 7-10 yoe, team leader, even division head. On paper, everyone’s title is a DD…

Long ago promotion to DD was a big deal as more justification was required. Now, especially for guys, it’s a matter of years if they stay on long enough as AD and don’t make some misstep. For mid-career, 7-10 years outside will usually be recruited as DD1, this is just based on the examples I see from diff department. You will find some departments got almost equal proportion of DD to AD, or even more DD than AD.

One reason for this is that unlike some other ministries or stat board, here there isn’t the concept of a SAD (senior assistant director), so what may be a SAD in another govt agency would be a junior DD here…

Mind sharing what was your pay before you join MAS, what you tried to negotiate, and what is your current pay? Since so many DDs, no fear that HR will know who you are… hehehehe
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