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Thread: Lawyer Salary
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  #21371 (permalink)  
Old 13-06-2024, 04:31 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I don't think it is as simple an issue as just comparing an US lawyer vs a commonwealth lawyer given that an US lawyer with equivalent experience would have at least 4 years of age on top of the UK or SG lawyer (even when taking into account the lost NS years). Age plays a large role in how well lawyers are perceived in their role unfortunately.
It is a truth universally acknowledged by any practising lawyer that the degree does NOT matter. Whether it is a degree from a US, SG or African law school does not make one a better/more successful lawyer.

Why? First, the practise of law is not as academic; it's more procedural/administrative. You learn on the job and it does not take a dean's list brain to be competent (often, clients can't even tell the diff). Second, the ones who get promoted to "equity partner" are oddly not usually the 1st class honors from top unis - maybe God is fair - but the ones who have good connections (maybe thru family or a retiring partner) and make it rain.

All that said, unfortunately, SG law firms are cheap and pay like sh*t, so their assocs all jump to intl firms for $$.

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