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  #17698 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2024, 06:40 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I need serious advice.

I am 1 paper away from completing my CA this June (hoping I pass)
Currently facing the hauntings by bosses including EL to rush for June date lines.

While they are aware of my exams, there doesn’t seem to have a change of expectations to be on the job despite being leave too.

I am torned between studying and rushing out the engagement. Appreciate some advice from the seniors out there. (E.g how often should I be online ant work on days leading up to exam) And yes, unfortunately we have resourcing crunch.

Ps. I am 7 days away to the paper.

Apply leave and put OOO, and study.

Thats how i did it last year ( take a week off fully to study for a sub)

The firm will not close down if you are on leave
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