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  #17692 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2024, 02:00 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I need serious advice.

I am 1 paper away from completing my CA this June (hoping I pass)
Currently facing the hauntings by bosses including EL to rush for June date lines.

While they are aware of my exams, there doesn’t seem to have a change of expectations to be on the job despite being leave too.

I am torned between studying and rushing out the engagement. Appreciate some advice from the seniors out there. (E.g how often should I be online ant work on days leading up to exam) And yes, unfortunately we have resourcing crunch.

Ps. I am 7 days away to the paper.

Just put OOO and focus on your exams. Encourage us to take CA exams but forcing us to work during our study leave? These EMs are just self-serving dheads.

Given the resource crunch, they are unlikely to put you on PIP. Even if they put you on PIP, it’s your last paper, just get your CA and change job

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