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  #7508 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2024, 09:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Foreign doc here.

Can someone here explain why the physician's license was suspended for 12 months for a misdiagnosis?

We all make mistakes, granted few end in such significant consequences but regardless we are not infalliable.

Wouldn't it be better to ensure that the physician undergoes refresher courses through mandatory CMEs, rather than a suspension?

Seeing the discussion on a different subforum, seems like most Singaporeans agree with the sentencing or even find it too light, whereas the medical community seem to disagree with the sentencing given how challenging/vague of a diagnosis intermittent testicular torsion is.
Smc always like that mah because it is manned by idiots
Steroid inject side effect fine 100k
Psychiatrist was misled to release private info kenna fine 100k

Basically will just lead to more defensive medicine.
I now routinely refer uti to a&e. Htn ,DM I offered specialist review
Patient decline to go, my notes my protect me.
Patient centred care yo!

U dun need to worry about the said gp la
He is in his 70s and awfully well to do.
He also want to retire liao. So might as well.

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