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  #11446 (permalink)  
Old 25-05-2024, 11:33 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
You don’t sound like an EO colleague and I hope you’re not posting only to stir up unnecessary drama. To start with, STs are two steps below DD. The equivalent to DD is MTT.

Yes we have a lot of ground experience but that does not translate automatically to policymaking expertise. Like it or not, if you choose to take up a policy role, you are starting from scratch alongside direct hires on the MX scale. It’s normal to report to ADs and DDs who have been in the line and have greater domain knowledge. The track you seek to pursue thereafter (extend HQ stint, convert to MX, return to SD) is up to you.
I think the question is why a 30 year old can be a policy DD (or if you put aside that they are scholarship holders, why a 35 year old non-scholar can be a policy DD), but you do not see a single 30/35 year old MTT in on the teaching track.

Why is the career progression under the policy and teaching track so different? are EOs disadvantaged, cause they chose to be teachers?
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