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  #11315 (permalink)  
Old 11-05-2024, 06:52 PM
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Originally Posted by JustAnotherPrimaryTeacher View Post
I see. Thanks for the sharing. This will still put you within the estimate of 6+k to 7k at 10YOE. Since you're already at 6k with 8YOE. Just that yea unfortunately, you're not at the higher end of the spectrum due to the various circumstances.
I'm one of those affected by "the various circumstances" - Graduated with Dip Ed in General Education way back in 2008. Had a chance to 'upgrade' and got a degree after slogging in a pri school for 6 years. It's my 16th year in service. Discount the 2 years in NIE for my upgrade to degree, I have been serving for 14 years. 14 years and I've only hit 6k this April (due to M.I). It can be demoralising and there are friends who have left for greener pastures asking me why I still stay on when I can get much more doing tuition. The reason is simple - I enjoy the kids I teach and appreciate the colleagues who have turned comrades in this very tough and unforgiving industry. As for working with parents, yes, they can be demanding but I'd rather concerned parents than those who are totally uninvolved. The latter makes our job tougher. At the end of the day, most are appreciative and it makes the hard and heart work all worthwhile. The unappreciative ones, a small bulk would be here thrashing teachers through anonymous postings I believe
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