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  #11171 (permalink)  
Old 21-04-2024, 04:57 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Actually, it is a very fair question to ask. Organising an overseas trip for students involves a significant amount of advance planning and administrative work. During the trip, liability falls squarely on the accompanying teacher's shoulders. And given students' nature, the likelihood of someone fooling around and getting into trouble despite all of the teacher's precautions is nontrivial.

So given all these considerations, it is entirely reasonable for a teacher to do the cost benefit analysis - is all the hassle and potential liability worth the reward both professionally and from an educational perspective.

Let's not be quick to call each other's conviction and professionalism into question where such important issues are at stake.
Agreed. Not everybody is capable of preparing ITQs and doing RAMs from scratch; there’s no existing templates and we do not copy paste from previous trips.

We also take full responsibility to students well-being even for the slightest things that happen during the trip. We do not blame the student, circumstances or other factors. We give 100% unparalled attention and commitment (zero distraction). The positive impact the trip creates on students is lifechanging and mindblowing due to our efforts.

So yes, perfectly reasonable for us to chase/receive recognition, because all of these work is on top of our near-perfect lesson delivery and committee work. If our baseline responsibility in IP hasnt been met yet, do you think we’re thick-skinned enough to take on additional responsibility?

Geez. Dunno how many times I need to repeat this. I know we're mostly teachers here but some of you are so stupid it's not even funny.

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