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  #7533 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2024, 11:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Anyone feel very tired to keep searching and interviewing for project every year

somemore each time need to network and "beg" people for project

dk the workplace good or bad

if suay suay kenna project like BT, also LLST

Everytime roll off must do a lot of admin thing
then onboard must use new laptop do new thing again

very nag and tired of this project also dk can even last for more than 1 year or nt

sometime they song song say no budget or restructuring ask you roll off, or ask you find HR to get new project
Yea change project is like finding new job then must as well just at the same time find new job somewhere better in terms of pay, wlb, team. Many leads or consultants you work with here you’ll notice their habit of taking credit and putting blame on juniors, no guidance or training, gaslighting etc. there will be nice people too but not that many. Suggest you can also look outside on the sidelines, this company have a reputation of being unable to keep its talent, may be able to attract talent but unable to keep them

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