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  #7473 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2024, 03:47 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Seriously Mark and Benny, you guys are giving false promises to the HNPS department.

Mark, i know you held some dumb talk in Jan saying we are on track to profitability. Lan Jiao, Julie Sweet say its the same. Cancel the idea of TAP and just take in direct hire when you do not even bother to do pay adjustment (basic corporate things) on a yearly basis. Eg. 2-3% to cope with inflation.

Benny, I personally think you are not qualified to be a Leader. You are only here because you stayed loyal in the firm. All you did was to just not quit and they progressed you accordingly and very slowly. I think you really need to show that you care for us and fight for analysts who did SA/C roles in their project.
Those highly paid CEO can say whatever they want, say what " it is only short term setback" la....what "have faith in the company" la....what "people is only number one asset...", what "bite the bullet..." la

It is easy for them to say those thing when drawing $50k SGD per month

normal worker have to cope with inflation, housing loan, parent medical bill, children expense etc etc etc

It is easy for them for them to say no increment for the year

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