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  #7259 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2024, 09:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I dunno what "business sustainability" u r talking abt with your examples .... The truely sustainable groups aren't even in your list. Just look at the state of the big groups now

1. Healthway - > 60 GP clinics. Their Indonesian owners went on a buying spree for past no of years & bought many overpriced clinics that can't bring back the revenue. Lippo had issues back home too. They applied for delisting from Catalist s://

2. OneCare -> 40 clinics. If you see how much they are paying locums & resident drs, sure can't bring back enough revenue to break even. Now they have Eagle Eye & MHC under same company, maybe can get money from eye specialists & TPA

3. Raffles - profit drop > 60% after pandemic. Closed some branches and left with only 35 clinics s://

4. Fullerton - if you didn't read abt their recent issues u must be living under a rock

5. MinMed - many empty clinics wasting aircon with doctors doing teleconsultations & assistants watching TikTok videos

Many mid-sized groups have more sustainable models & not in your so-called "tiers"
Raffles profit just regress to pre covid
Their number of clinic still high 30s to 40s

Healthway always got a problem ma.
10 years ago they even own their GP salary
No one who knows will go join them

Onecare has some clinics that are very very profitable
The new ones not so
They gunning for size now.

Fullerton is B2B lei. They don't pay a lot to begin with but their job is damn chill

To that someone who keep asking for reputable clinics
Go out and locum and learn about the landscape and make your decision yourself
Anyway these small chains want to hire someone who can hit the ground running
Not some jaded eye or ent wannabe who fail to get residency
for 5 years and now want to go to gp land
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