Forums - View Single Post - Q: Big4 - Yearly salary increment
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  #15400 (permalink)  
Old 31-03-2024, 01:58 AM
Posts: n/a

School results barely matter once you’re out in the working world. You look at the M and SM you think they very smart? They are the lousiest of their batch that’s why they still stuck in big4.

Apart from technical skills, seems like most of them lack the interview skills to be moving to better roles. Stuck in a soul-sucking job in their 30s and 40s, having to juggle extreme working hours and their kids, with near-zero chance of making partner.

So to those staff and seniors currently at big 4, please don’t be blindsided by your chase for progression/promotions. Take a step back and consider the life you want to be living in your 30s and 40s and make the correct moves in your career.
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