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  #15255 (permalink)  
Old 27-03-2024, 10:27 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Do you realise you are being very toxic but trying to disguise it as reasonable?

1) Work to 8pm is not normal. You are trying to normalise it or have accepted it because you got used to it. But as the senior you should not be forcing this as an expectation to us.

2) Ok sure you have done the same work, you have suffered, good for you. But everyone learn at their own pace so don’t expect us to work at same speed as you. You happy to work to 8pm, good for you. But don’t assume everyone is like you.

ISTG it’s because of people like you who spoil the market for so long that this is the prevailing expectation.

Don’t make your problem our problem. Don’t hard sell me on that “we are family” nonsense
Not the OP, but I believe you can be the change once you become a senior and pass on the legacy. Sometimes it's just that we are not given enough resources, and the client forces the deadline on us. You can only really understand the perspective when you are in your senior position. I've heard of managers asking seniors to work on weekends. How to say no to authority when your appraisal depends on them.

I've been in that position before too, where seniors asked the team to work on weekends and public holidays. I do it out of a sense of accountability, not because I enjoy it.

By the way, as mentioned in another post, the contract states that we need to work overtime when required. We are also not protected by the MOM for working more than 44 hours per week.

But to be honest, in commercial, those higher-paying jobs, you will also have to do overtime. So, the idea of no work after 8 pm doesn’t apply. If you’re looking for work-life balance and roles paying 3.5-3.8k, i think account executive jobs can offer work-life balance.
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