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  #15242 (permalink)  
Old 27-03-2024, 09:20 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
No one is asking associates to work until 4am like we seniors have to, we don't even ask you guys to follow up after your booking ended for your sections, but can you all at least work until 8pm or 9pm so that it's 10 hours like the resource planning stated while you're booked on the job? Especially since you'll be taking breaks and eating 2 hour meals so the 10 hours is actually <8 hours of productive work.

We have done the same work you did before so we know how long it takes for someone doing it for the first time. I've also seen those videos telling people to pretend that they don't understand so that the task "takes longer" but they're actually done so that they can chill.
Do you realise you are being very toxic but trying to disguise it as reasonable?

1) Work to 8pm is not normal. You are trying to normalise it or have accepted it because you got used to it. But as the senior you should not be forcing this as an expectation to us.

2) Ok sure you have done the same work, you have suffered, good for you. But everyone learn at their own pace so don’t expect us to work at same speed as you. You happy to work to 8pm, good for you. But don’t assume everyone is like you.

ISTG it’s because of people like you who spoil the market for so long that this is the prevailing expectation.

Don’t make your problem our problem. Don’t hard sell me on that “we are family” nonsense

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