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  #10583 (permalink)  
Old 19-03-2024, 11:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
The problem with public feedback is that it's very simplistic. "Just do X!" Anyone who's ever done any policy work knows that it's not as easy as that.

I guess that's what separates HQ officers from normal teachers. The latter just don't have that special quality in them.
Any teachers on the ground knows that policies don't work, because they are thought up by HQ officers who think they are special, but in reality aren't really special nor outstanding.

Add unnecessary complications to simple, straightforward things.

Just look at how the syllabi were rushed out, and the poor quality of materials prepared by HQ to replace the far more superior textbooks that were already out there.

Or how new policies were hastily announced, without preparing concrete detailed plans for implementation.

Or how during pre-covid era, all the wayang about home based learning, smart nation.

End up when actually need to do HBL, get exposed that everything looks good on paper only, and reality tells a different story.

Some scholar probably got excellent appraisal score for reporting that every household got computer access, got internet access, can access SLS.

Until covid exposed the real situation on the ground, where the entire family shares a parent's company laptop, and that SLS (most probably awarded to cheapest tender, based on the lowest end specs) actually don't have the bandwidth to support the entire student population logging in at the same time.

All these reeks of penny-wise pound-foolish policies, conceived by people with myopic vision and missing the big picture.

That, is the real calibre of policymaking folks at HQ

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