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  #14736 (permalink)  
Old 05-03-2024, 07:52 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Do firms allow unpaid leave or career breaks especially considering that it is still audit peak? Having panic attacks and breakdowns over the work, but I'm worried about having a possibly extended resume gap since I am already having issues getting any interview. I still have plenty of annual leave so I'm fine with using them all up first but I really need a break from work. I'm hoping for a formal break instead of MC because I previously had to take 1 week MC due to a bad flu but I still had to work like normal due to multiple deadlines.
I literally collapsed due to overwork yet they still rejected my request for 2 weeks break, so I tendered but they still refuse to let me utilize my leave. Personally, I think at most they'd give you is some cajoling to convince you to stay while "taking care of yourself more". It certainly seems effective because my teammate retracted her resignation after their cajoling session. Thank 猪队友s like that for spoiling market.

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