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  #1720 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2024, 04:54 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Just use an example.

Currently, there is 0 birthrate. No foreigners coming into SG, and nobody is leaving.

50 years later. SG is a city full of elderly.
Do u think the gov revenue can support its own generation?
Don't kumgong la.

Why do you think they are arguing in parliament about the reserves?

Obviously because a lot of the taxes collected from individuals and businesses are saved and invested. If not you think GIC and Temasek exist for fun ah?

How naive, thinking that every dollar taxed is used for current spending only.

You sound like the type that will treat your kids as a piggybank in the future because based on your logic, when you are old and not working, who is going to support you?

If you are working in MAS, please resign and don't embarrass yourself any further.
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