Forums - View Single Post - Q: Big4 - Yearly salary increment
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  #13540 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2024, 10:00 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Generic MA programme, risk and compliance, mid office banking roles, insurance brokerages

So many options. How come generic BBM or BBA grads can find these jobs, but BAcc grads cannot?

Not even talking about Ivy League or Oxbridge degree holders. I'm talking about your run-of-the-mill typical biz admin grad from NUS, NTU and SMU

Even FASS people who didn't study biz like those BA or B Soc Sci, and B Soc Sci (Econs) grads, are also competitive for these roles leh.

How come BAcc grads cannot?

"Do you guarantee I can get in with the same ease?" --> LOL. This attitude is precisely why you're forever stuck in audit. Because you accountants never had to experience the competition and hustle for jobs/internships like other majors, because Big4 will take in anybody with a pulse and guarantee them full time jobs after graduation.

It's as though every undergrad study accounting suddenly all become spinless at the end of 3-4 years and don't dare hustle for jobs like other majors.
If you are smart it is easy. Unfortunately these commenters are dumb so they find it difficult.
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