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  #13248 (permalink)  
Old 01-01-2024, 11:55 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
pls stop watching so much #lazygirljob tiktoks. you do know that our "normal" amount of workload is a regular job's "insane" workload right? standard performance means OTing until 4am and going at 200% speed while eating at the desk, any amount of "minimum effort" means not meeting this regular performance standards and is enough to get you a PIP. that's how we got rid of a good amount of seniors in 2023 already.

it's not like HR jobs where doing your job normally still can pass. in audit if you don't OT confirm cannot meet the ridiculous standards and timelines one. jobs are intentionally understaffed for good margins and clients intentionally shorten timelines (partly to look good to higher ups, partly so that you're too busy to catch errors so audit fee can be cheaper so that finance team KPI looks good. some clients literally have bonuses based on number of audit adjustments.).

why do you think your seniors who OT like **** also still get rating of 3 instead of outstanding performance like they would've at a regular job? because that's literally the baseline expectations here lol
really dog life or maybe worse than that. what is the point of living if you work like that? no wonder so many big 4 people behave like siaolang.

eat at desk? most people think you are siaolang if you do that in commercial .most people in commercial take 1 to 2 hours lunch break and maybe 15-20 mins toilet and tea break in the afternoon.

I realized that those who stay too long in big 4 are fake pretentious narcissists

some clients literally have bonuses based on number of audit adjustments--> wait until you kena those cb client who use cash basis instead of accrual basis and you can have like 40 AJEs or those lao auntie accounts clerk who don't even know why the numbers cannot tie.
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