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  #5910 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2023, 11:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Can I ask, what happens if one gets a complaint in ops? Sorry I am very greenhorn and don't know the system well enough?
Currently a FM resident rotating through ops, got complained by a PT that "I didn't address her concerns thoroughly enough" - that was the exact words she wrote in the feedback.
My senior who handled the case told me he called the patient and settled everything already, just informing me to close the loop.
- he is a mmed FP in the clinic (not the head/deputy), I guess he is the one kena arrow to handle complaints in clinic? (He doesn't look that angry with me, although I don't really know him well to tell). He also didn't really share much details about his conversation with the patient so I am also not sure what exactly was the problem?

I was just wondering what usually happens next? Will such things affect residency progression or performance grading
I think if you only have that ONE complaint and it was easily resolved and not a serious issue or medical negligence or behavior unbecoming of a doctor etc you should be ok.
The senior will understand from talking to the patient if it was just one of those demanding patients who have very heavy needs type. Fact that he said was resolved didn't have to say much is a POSITIVE for you. Loop CLOSED. Good.

But if you have more of these complaints then you will be flagged and it will affect your performance grading.

Always ask patients "any other questions?" before ending the encounter. It can help reduce these "I (sic) didn't address her concerns thoroughly enough" type complaints.

It's a pain lah cos sometimes they will keep asking. For those you already spent like 30 min extra time already and you damn behind liao then don't ask any more questions. Have to move on. But document time spent and all that you discussed so that whoever senior is doing the customer service recovery can see that you really tried and is not like you spent just 5 min with the patient. Just some tips for a greenhorn. Hope it helps. Ignore if you disagree.
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