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  #5909 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2023, 09:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Can I ask, what happens if one gets a complaint in ops? Sorry I am very greenhorn and don't know the system well enough?
Currently a FM resident rotating through ops, got complained by a PT that "I didn't address her concerns thoroughly enough" - that was the exact words she wrote in the feedback.
My senior who handled the case told me he called the patient and settled everything already, just informing me to close the loop.
- he is a mmed FP in the clinic (not the head/deputy), I guess he is the one kena arrow to handle complaints in clinic? (He doesn't look that angry with me, although I don't really know him well to tell). He also didn't really share much details about his conversation with the patient so I am also not sure what exactly was the problem?

I was just wondering what usually happens next? Will such things affect residency progression or performance grading
no scared la.
doesn't matter unless you are clocking up a few complaints a month then the problem is obviously you.
Any ops doctor that doesn't get complains at all isn't doing his /her job to be honest. No way in a customer facing situation job can you ever be perfect.

if they didn't counsel you, don't worry about it especially. Some patient have a pattern of demanding behavior and everything they also complain. I handle complaints and we usually go through all the notes to see what is going on. If every doctor note that this is a difficult patient and you didn't do anything unusual, we just do a cursory call and explain and close the loop. So always important to write down if the patient u encountered is difficult because u will help your colleague. No need write too much. Things such as TLC ( official term by the way) , difficult interaction, challenging tone and attitude all let us know what is going on.
early on in my career when i start i also kenna a lot of complaints because i am the sort that will decline patient requests and have a no nonsenses attitude. You don't owe me just because you pay $13.8 and i have to do everything you ask. Literally diu lei lou mo. After a while u learn how to reply in a effective way and look at me now..handling complaints.

btw , u can report the patient if they demand unreasonable service. It is a form of harassments. In hospital, it is now not usual to serve warning letters to patients or their demanding family members.

don't worry too much la. You will grow up. A few complaints is nothing.
but do reflect a bit. Learn how to read body language and tone. Sometimes if you think things are going south, its ok to apologies and say

" sorry Mr A. I think we got on with the wrong foot. Maybe let us start again so i can best
help you as your doctor"

" Mr A, i can sense that you are not happy with everything so far. Let me know how can i help you"

The moment u do this , u win. If he continue to be nonsensical, just document.
End of the day, in ops we understand the huge pressure on our doctors. Where possible we try to help and protect them. Of cse , cannot 5 complaints a month that kind la. That one is obviously you got a problem.
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