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  #792 (permalink)  
Old 27-08-2023, 08:56 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Pretty sure I know who you're referring to, and you have my sympathies - I had the misfortune to work with her in MCI, and she's just one more in a long line of scholars given too much supervisory responsibility too soon. Her idea of supervision was limited to chasing for deadlines, and there was no guidance, despite the fact that she had been in MCI for a few years. Drafts sent to her would come back with numerous questions which showed nothing but a lack of knowledge, and you'd be left asking IMDA colleagues for answers (she would also never point you to the right person, thus leading in some cases to a wild-goose chase as different IMDA divisions oversee different aspects of one area).

To add on to the package, she was terse at best, and often came off as rude and curt. While this could be forgiven as a personality quirk, she certainly knew how to turn on the charm around those above her.

Hope you're doing okay working with her - word to the wise: be firm and stand your ground, as she doesn't come from a place of knowledge or substance.
Is this in IMDA or PDPC? I heard of this person who joined PDPC, not sure if it is the same person you are talking about

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