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  #780 (permalink)  
Old 24-08-2023, 05:26 PM
Posts: n/a
Red face

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
If you join IMDA but you are not a scholar maybe stay for 2-3 years at most. Here's what is happening in my department. A scholar just parachuted in from MCI. She's 33 and already Assistant Director. She joined in Feb, and since then has already staffed the Director and the Assistant Chief Executive for biz trips. She has been chosen to staff the Chief Executive next. Meanwhile non scholars like me have to beg for legitimate conferences, declined all times so far, and instead asked to choose conferences which are virtual. Ok so biz trip envy? Not quite. The creme de la scholar has been given a fully, choose as you please, hybrid work arrangement. We're all in the same team by the way, and are reminded often to stay the 9 hours and not "abuse" the hybrid arrangement. As a result, hires from industry come, kick a$$, get bonuses and bounce. I'm preparing my bounce pad too. Hopefully you fellow non-scholar peasants are smart and capable enough to follow this trajectory too. Else accept your fate and draw that sweet paycheck every month, waiting for a GenZ scholar takes charge of your appraisal LOL.
Ha I am also a non scholar peasant. I dun mind one. Salary quite ok. But ya when these scholars wayang in the big meetings it is both farny and sad to see IMDA promoting wayang kings and queens.
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