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  #10420 (permalink)  
Old 09-05-2023, 11:52 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am not here bashing people who work in big4 as it require alot of mental strength
to even work till 3am-4am. The real truth is that working in big4 mean you got to
slog it out for the first few years. Those who truly make it can then proceed to work
as audit manager. Most will get stuck at the audit manager as it is very tough to go up from there. From what I understand, once you get passed the audit manager stage, becoming an audit partner is set for you.
Manager is a pretty low bar to hit, just need 5-6YOE to get there so long you don't screw up A, SA, AM stage.

Not all M stay to become SM, which normally takes 3 years. Some people take 1-2 years more, but if after 5 years you are not SM, you probably should consider somewhere else.

And even if you are made SM, it doesn't guarantee you are on partner track. Being able to do work is different from being able to bring in revenue for the firm, and to manage clients.

Sadly, big4 has a lot of people who doesn't have EQ to be made SM, let alone partner.
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