Forums - View Single Post - Civil Svc/ Statboard - Typical Timeline for making a Hiring Decision
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  #5428 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2023, 10:11 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Yes, 1 only - the offer letter = Letter of Appointment. The one with the respective SB logo on letterhead or Coat of Arms (for Civil Service). Usually takes a few weeks to 2 months-ish from date of interview to the LOA, for the reasons u stated above + approval from CE etc. This is not counting salary negotiation attempts between u and HR. Roles that are more sensitive or need high security clearance will take longer also.

Salute u for going for 50 cs/sb interviews - but all 50 kena rejected?
Since when did public service allow for salary negotiations? Thought the standard is to assume merit increment from average performance for X years of experience.
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