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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2012, 10:41 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Wonderful, let's sack the HR compensation & benefits guys and just pay people according to their age and their financial commitments. Hey, I just bought a car, so my pay must be $6k. Great system.
Of course, salary is based on HR's assessment of an individual's experience and capabilities... . what I think that guy means is that if your monthly salary too low.. It will be difficult to cope within with rising cost of living in Singapore... as well as to be able to properly take care of your dependents... So try to find a better paying job and don't short change himself and family...

Frankly if a person's salary is low.. Why want to buy car to show off??? The COE prices are insane these days!! If no money then just take bus, MRT like everybody else lah... I pity the fools who squeeze every drop of their take home income to put a car on the road and feed the ERP gantry everyday... Pathetic... What really counts is your have money inside the bank... Why can't people just learn to live within their means instead of always wanting to keep up with appearances... Empty shell only...
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