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Thread: Lawyer Salary
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  #18321 (permalink)  
Old 23-11-2022, 02:45 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Wah you got first class and in small firm? Either the firm is not that small or competition is really stiff.

Anyway, 4.5-5 is not THAT below market average. Thought you were talking abt 2-3k hahaha.

As others have suggested, why not put your “free” time to good use such as sending out applications? But make sure really no work so that you’re not shirking duties la haha.
To OP.

I've been a small firm lawyer all my life so i can understand a little bit of what you are feeling.

My advice is this: do something, anything and everything. Go and give lectures, sign up to be a panel solicitor with LAB, or a CLAS lawyer if you are into crim. Volunteer at free legal advice clinics, esp. those with MPSs. If you come from the kind of family where this is possible, leverage your connections. If you are brave enough, social media marketing.

Essentially, become your own rainmaker.

Once you have your own book, you will realize that life as a small firm lawyer becomes much easier.

Also: Continuously upskill. Make sure you are in the know of all recent updates in your specialisation area. Make sure you can have in-depth conversation with your peers in the same specialisation area. Make sure when people come to you for "friendly conversation" you are able to impress upon them that you are an expert in this area. Go for lectures. Go take the neccesary courses to be an SMC accredited mediator. Aim for accreditation (if applicable).

One of the upsides of being a small firm lawyer is that your fate is quite literally in your own hands.

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